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Poker Tracker Omaha/Stud


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Re: Poker Tracker Omaha/Stud I use Poker Office/Poker Tracker/Poker Spy etc and in no way view it as cheating. All the pro's use it - in fact I'd be pretty certain that all serious players (on sites that support it) use it...... the poker sites work in collaboration with this software to make sure that it is supportable, so they don't consider it cheating either. (I think it is PokerStars that specifically list these pieces of software as approved). What aspect of it do you consider cheating? I also think that the Boss lack of support for it is the reason that their games appear much "softer" than other networks....... With regards to PT Omaha/Stud - have downloaded the demo versions - but not really what I need at the moment - I'd be more keen on a PokerOffice equivalent (My view is that Poker Office is better for in game support - Poker Tracker is better for post game analysis) If you regualrly play Omaha cash games though, I would have thought it's pretty essential (you will need to work on the autorate rules yourself - the author of the software has admited he is not a big Omaha/Stud player and the autorate rules at the moment are therefore currently very basic)

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Re: Poker Tracker Omaha/Stud So would you allow Chess grand masters to use computers or 100 meter sprinters to ride a bike or maybe olympic swimmers to use powerboats. Sorry but poker like most "sports" should be played on a level playing field without the use of artificial aids. Does it still call me "Passive Passive"?

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Re: Poker Tracker Omaha/Stud Hmmm .... actually I can see what you're saying :loon :loon I think I've probably just become so accustomed to using them.... I think though that whilst it is acceptable within the rules as put out by the poker rooms, if you dont use it, you are at a significant disadvantage - so cheating or not, moral or not, you dont have much choice if you are at a supported room......because you can be sure your opponents are using it

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Re: Poker Tracker Omaha/Stud These programs do not allow you to do anything that you couldn't do on your own using excel / pen and paper (given some jolly quick scribbling). The information used is available to everyone. You don't see football teams object to other teams watching and analysing previous form to identify weakness and strength. For most sports that require realtime decision making in response to opponents actions (i.e. not running/rowing), there is a great deal of analysis done. Chess players don't use computers cos they should be better than them. I think that there will be clients in the not too distant future that'll provide more stats to player, thereby levelling the playing field. Whether or not players use it correctly or at all will be down to them.

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Re: Poker Tracker Omaha/Stud Hmm .... convincing again :ok (I'm just gonna sit on the fence and sway in the wind!!!) So 3vil3yes - if someone sat down to a live game, with a laptop and was inputting all the hands as they were played - would that be wrong? (and further, they were pulling up hand histories from previous games they had played against you) Do people use pen and paper/notebooks DURING live games?

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Re: Poker Tracker Omaha/Stud

These programs do not allow you to do anything that you couldn't do on your own using excel / pen and paper (given some jolly quick scribbling). The information used is available to everyone.
I think we made these points ages ago (when Gaf? first started using them). My point of view is that its the same as making player notes, but the info is compiled (obviously) much quicker than any one person could do. I don't use them, because I don't want to rely on something I couldn't take into a casino, but I can't possibly see how its cheating. To use your sports analogy glceud, surely its the same as Bolton and Sam Allardyce using modern technology to highlights opponents weaknesses. Port vale can't afford it so thats life.
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Re: Poker Tracker Omaha/Stud With regards to Chess, I would be quite sure that the top players analyse their opponents previous games - and with Pokertracker that is all you are doing - analysing previous hands. Funnily enough I started using Pokertracker today (as i have started playing cash), and found it quite useful.

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Re: Poker Tracker Omaha/Stud Theres a difference between preparation and participation to redefine the sports analogy. You can read all the books and use all the software you want before the game, but during the game it should be person against person with the same resources available. But then I only bluff when my 9 year old says "bluff daddy" so perhaps I'm cheating using the 2 minds are better than one theory. Does poker tracker not also keep records of hands that you arent at the table for too? Taking it all a step further who won the strip poker thingy. Thats the ultimate in equality for us purists

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