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Congratulations ColU - Enjoy your trip to Singapore!!!!


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Re: Congratulations ColU - Enjoy your trip to Singapore!!!! Just got back, 'er indoors and I had a superb indian meal, she drove and I drank Cobra.:beer God willing, I will be going to Singapore. Poker is a very strange game, just a few hours ago I put up a thread entitled 'I am an F King Tosser' and then this happens. Can't believe it. Thanks all for your good wishes. I don't want anybody to get their hopes up because most of the time when it comes to poker I am an FKT. However, in the unlikely event that I were to cash in Singapore then I make this pledge, 20% of anything I win will go into a freeroll for members of PL. Should this happen then I will set strict conditions for defining a 'member' to ensure that it's you guys and girls that benefit and not any passing freeroller. Now, a little more wine would be appropriate I think.

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Re: Congratulations ColU - Enjoy your trip to Singapore!!!! Thats a very kind offer mate. Now go win 1st prize. :ok

Just got back, 'er indoors and I had a superb indian meal, she drove and I drank Cobra.:beer God willing, I will be going to Singapore. Poker is a very strange game, just a few hours ago I put up a thread entitled 'I am an F King Tosser' and then this happens. Can't believe it. Thanks all for your good wishes. I don't want anybody to get their hopes up because most of the time when it comes to poker I am an FKT. However, in the unlikely event that I were to cash in Singapore then I make this pledge, 20% of anything I win will go into a freeroll for members of PL. Should this happen then I will set strict conditions for defining a 'member' to ensure that it's you guys and girls that benefit and not any passing freeroller. Now, a little more wine would be appropriate I think.
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Re: Congratulations ColU - Enjoy your trip to Singapore!!!! Absolutely chuffed for ya mate!! I would have railed you, but i have been completely snowed under for the last week, it's poker season dont ya know :) I probably would have bokked you anyway:( Go get em in Singapore!!!

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Re: Congratulations ColU - Enjoy your trip to Singapore!!!! Cheers dik9. I've tried to sleep but I'm buzzin. Can you believe this is the same bloke that crashed out second from last in the PL live game last week and then proceeded to get very excited as ColU lashed the goals in the Wednesday net? I can't. :rollin

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Re: Congratulations ColU - Enjoy your trip to Singapore!!!!

Cheers dik9. I've tried to sleep but I'm buzzin. Can you believe this is the same bloke that crashed out second from last in the PL live game last week and then proceeded to get very excited as ColU lashed the goals in the Wednesday net? I can't. :rollin
yes i can!!!! - i remember cheerin them on with ya ! :D:D:D Well done mate - great result! :clap:clap:clap
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Re: Congratulations ColU - Enjoy your trip to Singapore!!!! I am so pleased that this has happened for one of the nicest men on PL. I can only assume that since the meeting at Barrys you've been getting tips of Mrs ColU. ;) Congratulations David. :cow :clap :nana :cow :clap :nana :cow :clap :nana :cow :clap :nana :cow :clap :nana :cow :clap :nana :cow :clap :nana :cow :clap

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Re: Congratulations ColU - Enjoy your trip to Singapore!!!! :notworthy :notworthy Top work sir :notworthy :notworthy I'd love to get over and get the "gang" together like Ireland but Im not having much luck with these freerollers at mo... (the cash MTT's are different).... Could'nt happen to a nicer fella... hope u and Mrs ColU have a great time ... also

proceeded to get very excited as ColU lashed the goals in the Wednesday net?
:@ :@ hmmm:@ :@ ... at least u helped to get rid of Sturrock.... :cheers gl sir and bring home the bacon... and remember use the force "Col"
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Re: Congratulations ColU - Enjoy your trip to Singapore!!!!

Cheers dik9. I've tried to sleep but I'm buzzin. Can you believe this is the same bloke that crashed out second from last in the PL live game last week and then proceeded to get very excited as ColU lashed the goals in the Wednesday net? I can't. :rollin
now youve done southampton as well :( stop it well done m8 all the best:ok
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Re: Congratulations ColU - Enjoy your trip to Singapore!!!!

:clap just spotted this , Absolutely fantastic ColU:notworthy hope you have a great time out there:beer
I still owe you beer mate. I'll never forget (I've got a memory that would rival any elephant). One day, I don't know when, I'm going to get you very pissed and you'll still have a full wallet at the end of it.
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