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Poker Player/Blue Square Luton Christmas Cracker


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Re: Poker Player/Blue Square Luton Christmas Cracker What a shambles...I am still being told that I can register later but exactly when is anyones guess....the tournament will end up being flooded by non pp subscribers....which means a terrific prize worth 1870$ can go to anyone ,even someone who has never picked a copy of pp up...Poor pp they are also the ones that may suffer here too as their prize could be headed to someone who has never seen their magazine...how embarrasing (including my spelling LOL)....maybe next time they will take their business to a password using site....

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Re: Poker Player/Blue Square Luton Christmas Cracker

What a shambles...I am still being told that I can register later but exactly when is anyones guess....the tournament will end up being flooded by non pp subscribers....which means a terrific prize worth 1870$ can go to anyone ' date='even someone who has never picked a copy of pp up...Poor pp they are also the ones that may suffer here too as their prize could be headed to someone who has never seen their magazine...how embarrasing (including my spelling LOL)....maybe next time they will take their business to a password using site....[/quote'] hopefully they will
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Re: Poker Player/Blue Square Luton Christmas Cracker Hello Really sorry about the freeroll - hopefully you're all getting registered. If you can't unlock your account, ping the Manager and he'll sort it. And we won't be running any freerolls in future that aren't passworded. This one slipped under the radar - we'd got too far down the line before we were informed they couldn't password. With any luck, there won't be loads of gatecrashers but I appreciate that even one is too many. Dave

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Re: Poker Player/Blue Square Luton Christmas Cracker

cant get in as it says i already have a real money account on my pc(not with bluesq) so cant open another' date=',,bloody ridiculous,i`m assuming this is cos i have another linked poker client:@ :wall :wall[/quote'] If you chat with a manager, they should help you set up an account ;)
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