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Backgammon Tourney - Time to get rolling


Backgammon Tourney - Time to get rolling  

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Guest catnikki999

Re: Backgammon Tourney - Time to get rolling

Just let me know when your ready 'cat' i'm ready whenever you are
will set table up now good luck
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Guest catnikki999

Re: Backgammon Tourney - Time to get rolling

Sorry i haven't tried to arrange our game sooner' date=' but i've been working long hours recently and forgot about the backgammon :$ I'm free tonight if you want to play :ok[/quote'] just playing game with teazz - around 7 ok?
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Guest catnikki999

Re: Backgammon Tourney - Time to get rolling

Sorry i haven't tried to arrange our game sooner' date=' but i've been working long hours recently and forgot about the backgammon :$ I'm free tonight if you want to play :ok[/quote'] sorry to be a pain, can we make it tomorrow night, have got to pop out.
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Re: Backgammon Tourney - Time to get rolling

not really just read the rules still dont think i should get the win though cos the first time we played i was going to loose maybe a decieder ???
Cheers for the offer mate, but you beat me fair and square - cant really compare it to me playing you when you didn't know the rules :lol :lol
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Guest catnikki999

Re: Backgammon Tourney - Time to get rolling

i just clicked the button to join the table and then the table closed :lol :lol :lol ............... i'm ready if you want to set it up again :ok
ready :)
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Re: Backgammon Tourney - Time to get rolling Well done VoJ :ok You're guaranteed the runner up spot ...... :ok Would be good if teaulc and Gazza could still complete the league, for "rankings" for any future tournaments ;) Just group C to complete now!!!!! Any of the quarterfinalists who wish to proceed, feel free to do so :ok

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