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Moneybookers to the rescue!


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Been having loads of problems transfering money around accounts:$ : My credit card will not pay to poker sites:@ ; the bank won't give me a debit card because I am not worthy:wall ; Neteller demand passport or driving licence, I have neither:cry . On top of that, Poker4ever (where most of my funds sit) have no facility to transfer to British banks! Step forward Moneybookers. Registered on Moneybookers at 7.00 pm tonight. They allow a certain amount of money to be transfered without full verification...(yeh, till they ask for licences and DNA samples, I bet) OK, let's try it out then...:hope 7.30 pm transfer $100 from Poker4ever to Moneybookers 8.47 Received confirmation that poker4ever had sent the funds. 8.50 Received confirmation that Moneybookers had received funds. 9.05 Transfer £30 from Moneybookers to Betfair...instantly transfered. Done and dusted and don't I just feel great:dude , now I can join in a few more of the PL games as lots of the poker sites use Moneybookers. (Who I now believe to be a covert branch of International Rescue).

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