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Sunday Focus Game


Sunday Focus Game  

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Re: Sunday Focus Game i didn't vote for it as i didn't knew about it . was watching valencia on tvants . is this counted for me ????? the reason why i asked is because 1) I'm doing well :loon:loon:loon:loon:loon 2) Haven't played a focus game all week . :eyes:eyes:eyes:eyes:eyes

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Re: Sunday Focus Game

i didn't vote for it as i didn't knew about it . was watching valencia on tvants . is this counted for me ????? the reason why i asked is because 1) I'm doing well :loon:loon:loon:loon:loon 2) Haven't played a focus game all week . :eyes:eyes:eyes:eyes:eyes
It's difficult to say no when it was changed so late.........So I'll add anyone who requests it in this thread before the tourney ends...... This is a one off.......
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Re: Sunday Focus Game Ta :ok Is it because Spurs won today ????:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol btw , i'm Settings1 under virgin poker .

It's difficult to say no when it was changed so late.........So I'll add anyone who requests it in this thread before the tourney ends...... This is a one off.......
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Re: Sunday Focus Game Out 55th - I never recovered form getting my pocket AA busted !! ....when I cleverly got Slapdash to go All-In against me while he was holding a measley KQ* (Ha.. Got Him - methinks) :clap Flop came 77K .... :unsure Turn K ...... :wall River 7 ..... :sad ... so much for thinking I was being clever !! :$ Good Luck Slap ... and everyone else left in (which was quite a few from what I could see !) :D *(I think it was KQ I can only remember seeing the K through my haze that came over my eyes !)

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Re: Sunday Focus Game Out in 27th A few hands before I went out..............

Hand #428611537 at table: V-Points Freeroll Started: Sun Oct 01 23:36:03 2006 PListonbr is at seat 1 with 16192.00 Miss Pene is at seat 2 with 12970.00 PL_Gal is at seat 3 with 13080.00 Dude72 is at seat 4 with 10325.00 wardmice1 is at seat 5 with 17791.00 alex_UKGF is at seat 6 with 8155.00 turpin1 is at seat 7 with 20116.00 LexyCon is at seat 8 with 11371.00 Masq is at seat 9 with 6679.00 saskia555 is at seat 10 with 11321.00 Dude72 posts the large blind 1600.00 PL_Gal posts the small blind 800.00 PL_Gal: Ac, 10h Dude72: --, -- wardmice1: --, -- alex_UKGF: --, -- turpin1: --, -- LexyCon: --, -- Masq: --, -- saskia555: --, -- PListonbr: --, -- Miss Pene: --, -- Pre-flop: wardmice1: Fold alex_UKGF: Fold turpin1: Fold LexyCon: Fold Masq: Fold saskia555: Fold PListonbr: Fold Miss Pene: Raise 4800.00 PL_Gal: Call 4800.00 Dude72: All in Miss Pene: Fold PL_Gal: Call 11925.00 Showdown: PL_Gal shows: Ac, 10h (high card, Ace) Dude72 shows: 9d, Js (high card, Jack) Flop (Board: 3c, Jd, 3d): Turn (Board: 3c, Jd, 3d, 9c): River (Board: 3c, Jd, 3d, 9c, 9h): Dude72 shows: 9d, Js (full house) Mainpot: Dude72 wins the pot of 28650 with full house (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)
I don't know whoose the bigger muppet, me or him :unsure
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