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Muppet city


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Re: Muppet city fast reply to foolsgold yes, of course. If you're gone you're gone and who cares what people think (unless they 're taking notes about what a silly call you are willing to make with an M of 13, but thats a whole other debate) What I was actually trying to demonstrate, is that surely, your table reputation, although important, is secondary to survival in the tournament. Yes, its important to go in while your stack can still make an impression, but looking at 95 - I think my hand can be beaten by so many other hands, So I'm not going to bother for a round or so. Personally (and this is just my two cents, your mileage may vary, its only an opinion - standard disclaimer), it was not a very bright move. IF the player does not mind risking his tourney on such a play - fair enough. My only point in making was that surely the risk of such a move outweighs the potential benefits

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Re: Muppet city I think it was Chris "Jesus" Fergusson on Poker Night Live the other night who basically said he didn't buy into "protecting your tournament life" - it comes from an historic perspective, where you would travel half way across the country to play in a tournament and once you lost, that was it, you went home ...... however now, with internet poker, once you get knocked out of a tournament, you just click on the next one....... so he argued that you should just play to maximise your EV in the same way as in a cash game..........

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Re: Muppet city well, Gaf, you know I hate to disagree with you - and who am i to differ with Jesus.. but - although i go along with that point of view to an extent- after all, I'm not exactly worried about the petrol, if I'm sat at home playing via the net. however, i still see two issues - firstly - i've still paid money to get into this event and I don't see going all in with 95 as a particularly brilliant way to spend this money and secondly, while i still have an M of 13 in this tourney - I still have some equity. I realise we can't wait for aces and kings before we make our move, but all the same. Essentially, what ever is going to be said, when you're all in vs me, i'm going to be happy if you';ve got 95o most of the time - because mostly - i'm going to beat you

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Re: Muppet city

or' date=' alternatively.. once a table'ss seen you go all in with 59 and you LOSE, they can think, "well, serves him right for going all in with 59- hes obviously an idiot"[/quote'] Yup - but who cares? If anything, it's actually doing even MORE good for the crazy image next time you play any of those guys, if anyone takes notes. This is why one reason why I crash out of Poker Night Live stupidly fairly often, but place in the top 3 every now and then...
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