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Online pokers not fixed,


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I think i played this rather well, and then was robbed by boss media......fixed i tell ya!:wall :@ Hand #414559113 at table: STT $3 NL Started: Tue Sep 12 21:12:44 2006 nili1971 is at seat 1 with 1230.00 leo1982 is at seat 2 with 1755.00 ardie is at seat 3 with 1440.00 jonteboy is at seat 4 with 1455.00 Kalla1509 is at seat 5 with 60.00 morlspin is at seat 6 with 3015.00 Kiropp is at seat 7 with 1500.00 mongzoli is at seat 8 with 1500.00 geralt3 is at seat 9 with 1500.00 siouxz19 is at seat 10 with 1500.00 morlspin posts the large blind 30.00 Kalla1509 posts the small blind 15.00 Kalla1509: --, -- morlspin: Ac, Ad Kiropp: --, -- mongzoli: --, -- geralt3: --, -- siouxz19: --, -- nili1971: --, -- leo1982: --, -- ardie: --, -- jonteboy: --, -- Pre-flop: Kiropp: Raise 90.00 mongzoli: Fold geralt3: Fold siouxz19: Fold nili1971: Fold leo1982: Fold ardie: Fold jonteboy: Fold Kalla1509: All in morlspin: Raise 270.00 Kiropp: Call 270.00 Flop (Board: Kc, 6d, 2s): morlspin: Check Kiropp: All in morlspin: Call 1230.00 Showdown: Kalla1509 shows: Jh, 5c (high card, King) morlspin shows: Ac, Ad (a pair of Aces) Kiropp shows: Qc, Kh (a pair of Kings) Turn (Board: Kc, 6d, 2s, 7s): River (Board: Kc, 6d, 2s, 7s, Qd): Kiropp shows: Qc, Kh (two pair, Kings and Queens) Sidepot 2: Kiropp wins the pot of 2850 with two pair, Kings and Queens Mainpot: Kiropp wins the pot of 225 with two pair, Kings and Queens (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)

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Re: Online pokers fixed Please take what I have to say with a pinch of salt but as I'm sure you already know :- Whilst this is proof that online poker is fixed I was surprised to find in pokerstove that even after the flop you are only winning approx. 3 times in 4 (77%) against those 2 hands (Michael Jackson and the boys are winning 3% of the time and that would have certainly been proof that online poker is fixed). Note this is only a slight improvement on the 75% you win based on pre-flop holdings. I would have been even more convinced if you had posted flopped quads getting beat by runner runner for higher quads. Ignoring implied odds the villain was getting about 2.5/1 (180 to call for 465) and should have probably thrown in the muck (although they did have position on you for the rest of the hand). If he had put you on JJ to AA and AK/AQ os and suited then that would put you at a 3/1 favourite - supporting a fold decision. If he had put you on a wider range of hands then maybe the call with position was ok (ish). Now once the flop comes he probably thinks he is ahead although his bet is atrocious. I'm looking at a half pot bet then checking the turn if you check it to me. For the villain however against the same range of hands highlighted above he is now a 57:43 favourite, beating JJ, QQ and AQo and AQs. At least you got the chips in when you were ahead and he got lucky in his two chances to hit 5 outs. Whilst variance can be shit in the short run it will even itself over time. Remember Sklansky's Fundamental Theorem of Poker :-

Every time you play a hand differently from the way you would have played it if you could see all your opponents' cards, they gain; and every time you play your hand the same way you would have played it if you could see all their cards, they lose. Conversely, every time opponents play their hands differently from the way they would have if they could see all your cards, you gain; and every time they play their hands the same way they would have played if they could see all your cards, you lose.
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Re: Online pokers fixed

Please take what I have to say with a pinch of salt but as I'm sure you already know :- Whilst this is proof that online poker is fixed I was surprised to find in pokerstove that even after the flop you are only winning approx. 3 times in 4 (77%) against those 2 hands (Michael Jackson and the boys are winning 3% of the time and that would have certainly been proof that online poker is fixed). Note this is only a slight improvement on the 75% you win based on pre-flop holdings. I would have been even more convinced if you had posted flopped quads getting beat by runner runner for higher quads. Ignoring implied odds the villain was getting about 2.5/1 (180 to call for 465) and should have probably thrown in the muck (although they did have position on you for the rest of the hand). If he had put you on JJ to AA and AK/AQ os and suited then that would put you at a 3/1 favourite - supporting a fold decision. If he had put you on a wider range of hands then maybe the call with position was ok (ish). Now once the flop comes he probably thinks he is ahead although his bet is atrocious. I'm looking at a half pot bet then checking the turn if you check it to me. For the villain however against the same range of hands highlighted above he is now a 57:43 favourite, beating JJ, QQ and AQo and AQs. At least you got the chips in when you were ahead and he got lucky in his two chances to hit 5 outs. Whilst variance can be shit in the short run it will even itself over time. Remember Sklansky's Fundamental Theorem of Poker :-
Thread Title Now Changed:ok
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Re: Online pokers not fixed, Not just online poker, live poker is fixed too. I lost a game last night, pocket Queens, made a set on the flop, went all in got a caller who turned over a pair of tens, he hit runer runer to beat me with quad tens. There you go 100% proof that all poker is fixed. Only question left is who is doing it, jews, masons or aliens ??

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Re: Online pokers not fixed,

I blame it on the Dutch :ok
:rollin:rollin:rollin I'm with you on this one jeffers. One of my favourite quotes by Michael Caine (playing Austin Power's dad) saying to Goldmember.. "There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intollerant of other peoples' cultures, and the dutch." :rollin:rollin
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Re: Online pokers not fixed, An intersting thought popped up in my little brain the other day...... Online casinos are fixed, they're fixed in the same way a fruit machine is to guarantee a minimum payout ... say 75% could these laws be applied to poker sites? I don't see much benefit for anyone if they were but it could allow really bad players to get the odd win to keep them interested. Far fetched I know but I'm not sure where the line is drawn in online gambling where the results are produced from a pseudo random number generator.

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Re: Online pokers not fixed, If we are having a pop at the dutch gotta get this one in! Two Dutch girls are riding their old rickety bikes down the back streets of Amsterdam one late afternoon. As it turns closer towards dusk, the increasing darkness of the streets starts making the two girls a little nervous when one girl leans over to the other and says, "You know, I've never come this way before." The other girl says, "It's the cobblestones."

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