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all possible 5 card hands?


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Re: all possible 5 card hands?

does anyone know where you can download all 2.5 million possible poker hands (5 cards)? i know there are poker calculators online, but i'm doing a bit of number crunching myself? cheers for any help. ;)
Are you sure there's only 2.5 million, I make it 52*51*50*49*48= 311 875 200 Have you thought about trying to generate them yourself?
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Re: all possible 5 card hands?

Are you sure there's only 2.5 million, I make it 52*51*50*49*48= 311 875 200 Have you thought about trying to generate them yourself?
Hehe - I went through the same process and came up with 311m too!! I presume there are 2.5m combinations where you don't care about the suit....... So a pair of twos, and pair of fours with a J kicker - he doesn't care what suits they are ......... Thing you need to be careful of is that these 2.5m combinations won't have an equal chance of occuring - so the chances of one combination 2244J will be totally different from KKKKA ...... Not sure exactly what your goal is, but you may be better using the 311m combinations (if your PC can deal with it), then you can generate it yourself quite easiy too ..... (and of course 2d2h4h4dJs will be treated completely differently to Js4d4h2h2d!!! )
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Re: all possible 5 card hands?

or the order the cards fall (can't remember the terminology - isn't one combinations and the other permutations? :unsure)
Yeah, I really should know this by now but I always forget. I'm sure slapdash will be along soon to clear it up:) Actually it should be divided by something because A 2 3 4 5 is the same as 5 4 3 2 A. I think you need to divide by 5! which would give you about 2 500 000, although wether these are the combinations or permutaions I don't know:$
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Re: all possible 5 card hands? You need to use the combination formula n C k = n! / [k! (n-k) !] with n=52 and k=5 which results in 2598960 possibilities. This ignores the order of the cards, but not hands which contain the same cards but different suits i.e. A2345 (all hearts) is different to A2345(all diamonds), but A2345 (all hearts) is the same as 5432A(all hearts)

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Re: all possible 5 card hands? If you know anything bout java muppet looks like a fairly straightforward implementation for generating them yourself here: http://www.merriampark.com/comb.htm Just use the numbers 1..52 to represent the cards. Otherwise google spits out a whole pile of stuff for the query: generate all combinations (the language which your comfortable using to generate them)

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Re: all possible 5 card hands?

Actually it should be divided by something because A 2 3 4 5 is the same as 5 4 3 2 A. I think you need to divide by 5! which would give you about 2 500 000,
Yes. Because there are 5! = 120 different orders each hand can come in, so if you count the number of possibilities for "1st card, ..., 5th card", which is what 52*51*50*49*48 does, then you count each hand 120 times.
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Re: all possible 5 card hands? cheers all - combinations are where order does NOT matter, permutations is when it does. so a code on a briefcase is actually to do with permutations rather thna combinations, as it is commonly incorrectly called. a 5 hand of poker, where order does not matter is a combination. in excel, =combin(52,5)

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Re: all possible 5 card hands? MCGIN - thanks for your efforts. :-) i am having problems downloading them? i put in the 3 letter code, and then it counts down then nothing happens? where has it gone to? when i try again it says wait 2 mins as i have exceeded the download limit? could you email it?

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