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JJ Post-Flop, playing loose in MTT


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Playing Poker Night Live, I'm playing very loose, no real reads as I'm multitabling with the Omaha H/L game! What should I do now, and should I have raised more pre-flop? ** Game ID 905374664 starting - 2006-08-21 21:14:50 ** Poker Night Live[567111]:Table 12 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (30.00|60.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - JadedJ sitting in seat 1 with $3055.00 - allplaas sitting in seat 2 with $1430.00 - Sssnakey sitting in seat 3 with $2380.00 - goonerpaul sitting in seat 4 with $1600.00 - adiebabes sitting in seat 5 with $1045.00 - raycool sitting in seat 6 with $1405.00 - allinmyles sitting in seat 7 with $1105.00 [Dealer] - camking sitting in seat 8 with $1335.00 camking posted the small blind - $15.00 JadedJ posted the big blind - $30.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: Jack of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds allplaas raised - $100.00 Sssnakey folded goonerpaul folded adiebabes folded raycool folded allinmyles folded camking called - $100.00 JadedJ raised - $310.00 allplaas called - $310.00 camking called - $310.00 ** Dealing the flop: 7 of Hearts, 8 of Hearts, Ace of Clubs camking checked

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Re: JJ Post-Flop, playing loose in MTT They are hefty bets pre-flop considering the size of the blinds so I think you raised more than enough with JJ which are no way the best pocket pair. I'd put at least one of the other callers on pocket KK, AA or AK. Considering an A has come out and camking just checked you can either check with him and wait for more info from allplaas or make a small raise to see what the allplaas does. Dont rule out the slow play from pocket AA.

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Re: JJ Post-Flop, playing loose in MTT It's a toughie, always feels like the Ace drops out to freeze you with Jacks! Maybe a slightly larger pre-flop raise would've pushed out camking, but from his early check you have to suspect he missed, or is also worried about his mid/high pair with A on the board. edit: above could be right with camking also though, he called two serious preflop bets so he may have a monster. The worry is obviously allplaas.. raising heftily preflop.. and with no reads of his style of play, you have to think he has at least an Ace in his hand. I would want to lay out a bet here to test the water & pick up some information, but it's hard to bet big enough - the pot is around 950, so to lose the potential flush drawers & take down the hand here you gotta spend at least 400-450 - that's quite a chunk of your stack to commit on an informational raise. Tough to check also though, you controlled the betting preflop, so a check just invites allplaas to take it whether he made a hand or not. I think I'd bet, around 400 chips, to see where I stood and/or claim the pot there and then. For all you know they could suspect YOU have AK/AA with such a large reraise preflop..

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Re: JJ Post-Flop, playing loose in MTT check and fold to a bet two loose calls with any pair and any Ax - we know one of them has A4 or something similar, coz with AK AQ they would have shoved after you raised, but with A4 they call hoping to hit two pair to bust your AK.....:eyes and there is no point betting as they will still call with their A4 even if they think you have AK:eyes Damo ps can't fault the reraise JJ

Playing Poker Night Live, I'm playing very loose, no real reads as I'm multitabling with the Omaha H/L game! What should I do now, and should I have raised more pre-flop? ** Game ID 905374664 starting - 2006-08-21 21:14:50 ** Poker Night Live[567111]:Table 12 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (30.00|60.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - JadedJ sitting in seat 1 with $3055.00 - allplaas sitting in seat 2 with $1430.00 - Sssnakey sitting in seat 3 with $2380.00 - goonerpaul sitting in seat 4 with $1600.00 - adiebabes sitting in seat 5 with $1045.00 - raycool sitting in seat 6 with $1405.00 - allinmyles sitting in seat 7 with $1105.00 [Dealer] - camking sitting in seat 8 with $1335.00 camking posted the small blind - $15.00 JadedJ posted the big blind - $30.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: Jack of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds allplaas raised - $100.00 Sssnakey folded goonerpaul folded adiebabes folded raycool folded allinmyles folded camking called - $100.00 JadedJ raised - $310.00 allplaas called - $310.00 camking called - $310.00 ** Dealing the flop: 7 of Hearts, 8 of Hearts, Ace of Clubs camking checked
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Re: JJ Post-Flop, playing loose in MTT I bet 500 to see if either had an A - they didn't, presumably, as both folded :) 3rd atm, this should be well worth watching when it's shown on TV - I'm raising with virtually EVERYTHING, and the only time I've been reraised in the past 30 mins ended with my JJ all in against AK, and me catching a 3 of a kind on the flop!

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Re: JJ Post-Flop, playing loose in MTT I don't call them jacks anymore. I call them hooks. Why? cos you can get hanged with em of course. If i am in MP and no raisers I am putting it all in, otherwise checking and praying to pick something up an unlikely jack. anyway on the flop if anyone raises, i am folding. I find that you either push all in with TT / JJ , or postflop fold it or check it if there's overs on the table.. course, this depends on reads - If you are on the Final mtt table it might be worth gambling with em, as it is often an all-in-bluff-fest, and you have room to drop trips in potentially..

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