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Password Requests/Forum Rules


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Recently there has been a large increase in the number of members requesting passwords on the forum. To reiterate, posting passwords or offering passwords to other tournaments is NOT allowed to be posted on the forum. Anyone doing so is automatically given a ban. PLEASE DON'T DO IT!!!!! I've lost count of the number of bans that have had to be given out in the last week!!!!

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Re: Passwords GaF has stated clearly what our policy on passwords is above, but I thought it might be useful to reiterate the main reasons for this policy, in case it's not obvious. Idealistic reason: If somebody puts on a tournament that they want to restrict to a certain group of people, then that's their right. There are plenty of other tournaments to play in, and we wouldn't want gatecrashers in private PL tournaments, so we should respect other people's private tournaments. Personally, I take a rather priggish attitude, and wouldn't play in any tournament where I hadn't got the password through the proper channels, and wouldn't share a password with anybody who wasn't entitled to it, though I realize that not everybody shares this attitude. But ... Selfish reason: This is a public forum. If the people running these tournaments see that the forum is being used to "pirate" their passwords, then they'll (quite reasonably) get annoyed, and could make a lot of trouble for us. Especially if they are poker sites or other organizations that we might want to deal with, this could have an impact on future partnerships.

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  • 5 months later...

Re: Passwords Just want to bump this and clarify absolutely what is not acceptable on the forum, so that I dont have to keep repeating it every time a tourney is listed. The following (or similar ilk) are all considered "fishing" and unacceptable posts: "My goldfish ate the password" "My sub copy of the mag has not been delivered yet" "I cant get the password/mag in Outer Mongolia" Please dont put us in a difficult position by continuing to do it!!

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