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Champions league- my story


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Thought I would put a wee report together of my time in Luton as the June CL winner. No doubt very boring to most but might be of some interest to any one who qualifies online for a live event and is wondering what happens next. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Having Qualified for the UK open on the Sunday Joe Legge got in touch with me the next day via email to set the ball rolling. Simple checking my availability and my location helped put me at ease that things were underway, imagine the disappointment if I hadn’t heard anything in a fortnight. This was soon followed up with a choice of travel methods and details of the hotel I would be staying at. After I had a couple of nerve settling beers:cheers I met up with Joe and Gregoriuos (the July CL winner from Greece) in the hotel lobby. We had a couple of beers:cheers while waiting for Tikay (the Sporting odds pro) before heading down to the casino. We arrived at the Casino in plenty of time for another couple of beers :cheers before the tourney started. If any one is getting worried, the beer consumption is not compulsory. Tikay was very approachable and introduced Gregorious to Bambos Xanthos the Greek pro that used to be on late night poker. Once the game got underway Joe made sure if we needed anything (like more beer:cheers ) it was forthcoming. After 2 hours there was a break so we went to a nearby Chinese restaurant for a scoff, Tikay recommended the place and very nice it was too. Handy Guy to have around Tikay, he probably knows the best restaurant within walking distance of most casinos in Britain. The second day followed much the same format though unfortunately Gregorious got knocked out on day one. Before going down I was a bit worried about wearing the “black and gold†of sporting odds, imagining some sort of 1960’s jockey silks and sticking out like a sore thumb. Turned out to be plain black shirt with an inconspicuous gold sporting odds logo and as half the players there had some logo or other it made me feel right at home.

Bar arranging some better cards I don’t think Sporting odds and Joe could have set things up any better. The nice thing is that having met Joe now I know that if I, or any one else, could think of any way of improving things he would listen.

Cheers Joe great weekend.:clap
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Re: Champions league- my story Nice one glceud :clap :clap Great write up - but how did you do??????? Did you get near the money? Did you sit with any famous players? What hand knocked you out? Haven't heard anything but good reports on Joe from those who have met him at live events :)

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Re: Champions league- my story One thing I forgot to mention regarding organisation was that I was due to fly down on the friday just after the bomb scare. Joe was on the phone in the morning to tell me that if the planes were off just to pop on the train and he would refund me when I got down The plane was cancelled so the train it was. There was 96 players in with the top 9 paying although if there had been a 100 the top 18 would have paid, not sure why the would do it like that but I wish 4 more had entered now Starting stack was 10,000 with 25/50 blinds changing at hourly intervals. very reassuring to be sitting with 200 bb's My experince of live poker is very limited with the nearest poker room being a £200 plane jourmey+ overnight accomodation away. Played once in Vegas ($200 fixed limit multi) once in a £100 nl freezeout in Glasgow and 3 or 4 £20 rebuy tournies in Glasgow. First 2 hour session. Best hand I got was k/q off in first position - I folded it. limped in as the BB and wee blind and picked up a couple of pots with absolutley nothing, a busted straight and a jack high( that went to a showdown). After the session I was on 12,000 chips and I went to the break feeling like a poker god, 2000 chips up without hitting one card. 2nd 2 hour session I had pkt jacks twice in this session and they held up both times before reaching the river but still made a few chips thanks to the preflop raise. after the session I was up to 15,000 chips. 3rd 2 hour session Pickied up pkt queens and jacks twice that all held up. I cant remember losing any hands of note but at the end off the session I was still on 15,000 chips Thought I had played really well for 6 hours without seeing AA/KK or A/k Final 1 hour session This is where my inexperience or tiredness kicked in. My first mistake got lucky and won me my biggest pot of the weekend. looking at j/k on the button I decided to steal the blinds only to notice that someone in early position was in the pot after my raise- he called. we both had 16,000 in chips The flop came down a/q/rag. he checked and after thinking of a continuation bet I checked too. the turn card came a 10 giving me the nut straight. he bet 2000 I flat called. The river was another rag and he bet 4000 I thought about reraising all in but settled for a 4000 reraise hoping for a call which he duely did. It turned out he was slowplaying a/q on the flop hoping to reraise. I got lucky but think I played the hand right and got the maximum out of it. No doubt some will disagree. I was now on 26000+ chips My second mistake was a classic. the bb was 800 chips, thats one green and three grey chips. I had pkt 4,s and went to flat call but put in 3 green chips and one grey by mistake (alcohol related coloured blindness). the big stack was the BB so he called. the flop came a/q rag- he checked I fired in 4000 to represent the ace and he reraised me all in and I had to fold.5,600 chips wasted. My 3rd mistake was another over raise on the button with pkt 2's that got reraised all in. It was shortly after my pkt 4's play and had a slight tilt look to it. I finshed the first day on 17,200 chips with the blinds due at 600/1200 so I was still competitive. Next Day 1st 2hr session Decided to save my worst play of the weekend for Sunday With the blinds high I was down to about 13,000 without seeing a flop when I got a/j in early position it looked huge so I raised half my stack. I got reraised all in and after the longest few minutes of my life I threw it into the muck. Should I have called? of course I should have I was completly pot commited. But I swear I am never playing a/j again unless on the button with no callers, I hate the hand. Managed to stay in untill the break which meant we were down to the final 2 tables with me the shortest of the short on about 6,000. The final 2 tables got a free dinner voucher so I did win something!! Thats 9 hours play now and still no AA, KK or AK and just one pair of pkt q's. Final 1 hour 25 minutes went from 6000 to 12000 to 6000 to 12000 to 6000 to 12000 before after 10 hours play finally picking up pkt aces as the bb, waited for the raises that were coming as normal and guess what, every one folded. I flipped them up and yelled 10 hours I've waited for that to which the dealer replied at least the held up-Smart arse. Made my final stand with a/10 and came up against pkt jacks and after no help I said my goodbyes. My final position was 11th and although it was top 9 paying I heard a deal was struck so that the "bubble" got his £1500 stake back, if so that made me the real "bubble". I was very lucky to finish as high as I did but to play for 10 and half hours and only see aces once, no pkt kings and no big slick must be quite unusual. Any one work out the odds? Having said that the fact that my pkt jacks held up four times is maybe just as unlikely Bambos, mick magee and tikay were the only players I recognised from the telly there but there were a lot of leading European pro's on show.

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Re: Champions league- my story Nice write up glceud! By no means did you disgrace yourself, and its a shame you bubbled. :(

My experince of live poker is very limited with the nearest poker room being a £200 plane jourmey+ overnight accomodation away
Where is that then mate, and whereabouts are you from if thats the closest!:eek
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Re: Champions league- my story

My second mistake was a classic. the bb was 800 chips, thats one green and three grey chips. I had pkt 4,s and went to flat call but put in 3 green chips and one grey by mistake (alcohol related coloured blindness).
:rollinbeen there done that (I must have the same illness) UL mate, excellent write up and well done for getting so far :clap
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