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Horrible Hand


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Ok, into the last 50 or so, avg stack was about 10k...what would you have done? - jeffers_81 sitting in seat 1 with $7365.00 - KurtMcgurt sitting in seat 2 with $9845.00 - Tony-Soprano sitting in seat 3 with $8950.00 - RonnieLott sitting in seat 5 with $1780.00 - PotAddicted sitting in seat 6 with $10610.00 - LefteyeAA sitting in seat 7 with $9760.00 [Dealer] - Hzon sitting in seat 8 with $802.30 - albertsson sitting in seat 9 with $5935.00 - cech23 sitting in seat 10 with $8695.00 Hzon posted the small blind - $150.00 albertsson posted the big blind - $300.00 ** Dealing card to jeffers_81: Jack of Hearts, Jack of Spades cech23 raised - $900.00 jeffers_81 called - $900.00 KurtMcgurt raised - $3000.00 Tony-Soprano folded RonnieLott folded PotAddicted folded LefteyeAA folded Hzon folded albertsson folded cech23 folded jeffers_81: ???

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Re: Horrible Hand I lost my head. I know this is a fold but... jeffers_81 went all-in - $6465.00 KurtMcgurt called - $7365.00 KurtMcgurt shows: King of Hearts, King of Spades ** Dealing the flop: 4 of Spades, 10 of Hearts, 2 of Hearts ** Dealing the turn: 9 of Diamonds ** Dealing the river: 10 of Clubs KurtMcgurt wins $16080.00 from the main pot Totally wrong I know but that's the learning process :unsure :wall

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Re: Horrible Hand

I lost my head. I know this is a fold but... jeffers_81 went all-in - $6465.00 KurtMcgurt called - $7365.00 KurtMcgurt shows: King of Hearts, King of Spades ** Dealing the flop: 4 of Spades, 10 of Hearts, 2 of Hearts ** Dealing the turn: 9 of Diamonds ** Dealing the river: 10 of Clubs KurtMcgurt wins $16080.00 from the main pot Totally wrong I know but that's the learning process :unsure :wall
i would have went to jeffers which is probably why i dont post on the "personal best" thread too often.:D
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Re: Horrible Hand I had a similar situation today. I was UTG with QQ. I raised to 4xBB. UTG+1 calls. UTG+2 raises another 10xBB. Folded round to me, and I know that the re-raiser has been playing stupidly, loosely and like a tilty fishy fish. So I go all-in. UTG+1 folds, loosey goosey calls. I show QQ against tilty's TT, and UTG+1 tells us he folded JJ. I was initially surprised, but then saw the hand from his point of view, and realised I would've folded it too. Thank god he did though - J on the flop! :) Even if neither of them has QQ+, they may still have AQs+, in which case you're flipping. You have a healthy stack (relative to the blinds), and no need to be tossing coins for almost half of your chips.

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Re: Horrible Hand nice squeeze play there with a good read and yes, raise/call/reraise and shove means that the meat in the sandwich is shite! I would even fold KK here (thou i would have reraised you with KK rather than just call of course) so a proper laydown by JJ Damo

I had a similar situation today. I was UTG with QQ. I raised to 4xBB. UTG+1 calls. UTG+2 raises another 10xBB. Folded round to me, and I know that the re-raiser has been playing stupidly, loosely and like a tilty fishy fish. So I go all-in. UTG+1 folds, loosey goosey calls. I show QQ against tilty's TT, and UTG+1 tells us he folded JJ. I was initially surprised, but then saw the hand from his point of view, and realised I would've folded it too. Thank god he did though - J on the flop! :) Even if neither of them has QQ+, they may still have AQs+, in which case you're flipping. You have a healthy stack (relative to the blinds), and no need to be tossing coins for almost half of your chips.
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