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How's Yer Donald Duck !

Dave E

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Was playing in the Betfred £2750 Freezeout last nite and was going ok picking up small pots and biding my time when i get AA. So im thinking nice .. time to up the ante and increase my chipstack. Played it nice and sensible hoping to reel in at least one player, turned out two players went all in which i dualy obliged and called. Basicly to cut a long story short i was beaten on the River by one of the guys who had pocket 10's and hit another on the River. :eyes Was a kick in the teeth but I had more chips than the Call so continued on .. about 20mins later I get dealt A J and decide its time to make my move and go all in before the preflop. I'm called by someone holding Pocket 3's and the Flop comes up giving me a A J pair and im thinking ive got this one but noooo River gives him a 3 and im Gone ! :eyes To say i was frustrated was a little bit of an understament but i suppose come end of the day thats Poker.

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Re: How's Yer Donald Duck !

Was playing in the Betfred £2750 Freezeout last nite and was going ok picking up small pots and biding my time when i get AA. So im thinking nice .. time to up the ante and increase my chipstack. Played it nice and sensible hoping to reel in at least one player, turned out two players went all in which i dualy obliged and called. Basicly to cut a long story short i was beaten on the River by one of the guys who had pocket 10's and hit another on the River. :eyes Was a kick in the teeth but I had more chips than the Call so continued on .. about 20mins later I get dealt A J and decide its time to make my move and go all in before the preflop. I'm called by someone holding Pocket 3's and the Flop comes up giving me a A J pair and im thinking ive got this one but noooo River gives him a 3 and im Gone ! :eyes To say i was frustrated was a little bit of an understament but i suppose come end of the day thats Poker.
thats why cats and dogs hide from poker players - unlucky mate :sad
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