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**Poker Saturday 29th July**


**Poker Saturday 29th July**  

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    • 17:00 Pokerstars Deep Stacks
    • 18:00 Europoker Fish Tank
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Holdempoker Vegas Boot Camp Freeroll
    • 20:00 Bet365 $5000 Freeroll
    • 20:00 Canbet $500 Freeroll
    • 20:00 Mansion $500 Added

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Re: **Poker Saturday 29th July**

Which part of his play didn't you like Mr V? Pre flop, he had to put 450 into a pot of 2025 - so was getting about 9/2 for his money - I wouldn't call, but I wouldn't criticise his call either.... After that he didn't have to bet again until he had the nuts..... You were very unlucky though ..... the perils of slow playing your trips and giving a free card (though I'd have done the same!!)
No I accept that, but I can pull my hand history and show that every hand he fished - he already cracked a strongly bet KK with 2 pair... a 2 on a strong flop and the A on the river... Shortly after I saw him win a pot with a flush, his cards from UTG were J2hearts.:eyes If it looks like a fish, smells like a fish and plays like a fish then in all probability he is a fish. As regards my hand, I know I should have bet strongly, but he had me covered and he'd have stayed with me. I stand by my previous statement mainly because I'm confident he won't win. In fact I was going to win this, because apart from that hand I made some very good laydowns, and I was playing well.... Ah well, pride before a fall. Jaded I have refused to make any comparisons between you and this guy out of respect for your ability. :ok
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Re: **Poker Saturday 29th July**

Nice one Rosie ..... Is $3000 Gtd - not added - but still incredible value........ :ok
Hmmm ....... the Add On is for 3000 chips - which makes it virtually compulsory ........
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Re: **Poker Saturday 29th July** GL all! I'm incredibly hungover and shouldn't go near poker - so PNL, here I come!! The scary thing is, my face is so green there's now ANOTHER reason to call me Kermit. Okay, just started - AKs first hand! AT goes all-in, and I double up :)

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Re: **Poker Saturday 29th July**

I'm in the money with a near average stack in the Vegas Boot Camp ..... gawd knows how - I've been playing like a right Muppet........
Out!!!! My AQs on the Cut off - all folded to me - I shoved to make it look like a complete steal (hand before on the button I shoved with Q9o, called by QJo and escaped with a split pot) - same gut calls with A2o ...... Flop came A x x , turn was x, river was a 2 :(
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