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What would you do...?


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Table Type: Multi Table Tournament Game Name: Texas Hold'em Stakes: $0.50/$1.00 Real Money Active Players: 10 Hajlender: Ah, Qh Zamolxe has the dealer button kotttti posts small blind ($15.00) Hajlender posts big blind ($30.00) A-WEN calls for $30.00 Agrazka calls for $30.00 deesnow calls for $30.00 I_Love_LFC calls for $30.00 tonoouts raises for $120.00 Outlaw1976 folds kaladze10 folds Zamolxe calls for $120.00 kotttti folds Hajlender calls for $90.00 A-WEN calls for $90.00 Agrazka calls for $90.00 deesnow calls for $90.00 I_Love_LFC folds Dealing Flop: 9h, 7h, Qc Hajlender bets $100.00 A-WEN folds Agrazka went all-in for $820.00 deesnow folds tonoouts went all-in for $1,220.00 Zamolxe calls for $1,220.00 Hajlender ??? TPTK + flush draw... fold or all-in?

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Re: What would you do...?

cant get much better. only hand i'd really worry about is AA or QQ. even KK wouldnt worry me in this situation
Maybe you're right, but to me that flop is full of imagined horrors. I'd still call, but honestly I wouldn't expect to win. Why wouldn't KK worry you Master?
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Re: What would you do...? First guy all in has a set. Second guy has two hearts. Third guy has the up and down draw maybe with one heart, maybe with 2, possibly two pair, KK or AA Looks to me like Q's is no good and your gonna need to draw to a flush, and the pot odds make this correct based on nine to come, but to be honest I dont think there are that many left. You could have as few as 5-6 outs. I wouldnt like it myself - but as valient says. Imagined horrors.

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Re: What would you do...? Just noticed that this is a $1 MTT. Fish central Id be inclined to call. Give yourself a quadruple up and get into contention. Chances are there could be a lot of dominated draws in those all ins and if you are beaten by aces or a set you have outs. You would probably bust out here but you have a good shout to get some chips Id probably have a gamble. Its only a buck :)

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Re: What would you do...?

Maybe you're right, but to me that flop is full of imagined horrors. I'd still call, but honestly I wouldn't expect to win. Why wouldn't KK worry you Master?
Muppet that I am.:eyes Flush draw as well? :wall Must :wall read :wallthe :wallpost :wall properly. :wall :wall :wall
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Re: What would you do...? have gave the easy answer now lets work through this. It would help to know how many chips you and Zamolxe have left first - its important for the side pot, however, I am assuming you both have 1600 or so PF 4 limps means not a lot, any 2 brodway, any Ax, any 2 suited, any small pair etc a raise of 4BB's - extremely poor raise given the limpers, they are all going to call with any two for value here. sb limp call, and its only another 90 to win 405 (at the mo - more if the limpers call which they will) so great odds to hit a monster hand Flop poor bet of 100 into a 630 pot, if folks have any kind of draw or pair they are calling here, I would bet 400 or so and hope to chase out the chasers shortie shoves - again doesn't mean much, if he has a made hand (trips) I would expect a call here, the shove means i have a pair lower than QQ, or I have a flush draw, or I have limped called 9 10 and have middle pair (and a freaky str draw) or played QJ and have hit TP crap kicker (again with a backdoor str draw) an interesting play by tonoouts - he initially raised and has now shoved that flop - I think he must have AA-QQ I can't see him shoving with JJ, AJ, AK etc - he might have trips (99, but not 77? surely he would just call with 77 preflop?) - he has said twice I have a premium hand, despite the action PF and on the flop - one to think about Zalmoxe - even more interesting call, he has called in the SB, seen bet-shove-reshove and still calls? he might have the 77, reasonable limp call hand PF, is he really calling here with just a Q pair? QJ Q10 QK etc?, he might make that call PF with those hands, but can he think he is ahead? dunno, really tricky one this - would someone call with a crappy flush draw here? or even worse a shite str draw? I have to think he has a made hand here Analysis I am not worried about agrazka - his shoving range is huge on a board that might have missed everyone - I would be slightly worried about tonoouts - but really puzzled by Zalm and must consider trips here Assuming we need the heart to win you have a max of 9, so are approx +2-1 to hit turn and river (assuming you shove now) if you add in Q (assuming no trips already) its another 2 outs - I wouldn't count the Q against Zalm as it gives him a FH if my call on him having trips is right - so you are down to hearts alone I would shove to create a decent side pot with Zal (800+ chips minimum needed to do this) and hope he is on some sort of crappy draw, or that you hit your heart to beat his trips, with the chance to beat the others as well and scoop a massive pot Damo :cheers

Table Type: Multi Table Tournament Game Name: Texas Hold'em Stakes: $0.50/$1.00 Real Money Active Players: 10 Hajlender: Ah, Qh Zamolxe has the dealer button kotttti posts small blind ($15.00) Hajlender posts big blind ($30.00) A-WEN calls for $30.00 Agrazka calls for $30.00 deesnow calls for $30.00 I_Love_LFC calls for $30.00 tonoouts raises for $120.00 Outlaw1976 folds kaladze10 folds Zamolxe calls for $120.00 kotttti folds Hajlender calls for $90.00 A-WEN calls for $90.00 Agrazka calls for $90.00 deesnow calls for $90.00 I_Love_LFC folds Dealing Flop: 9h, 7h, Qc Hajlender bets $100.00 A-WEN folds Agrazka went all-in for $820.00 deesnow folds tonoouts went all-in for $1,220.00 Zamolxe calls for $1,220.00 Hajlender ??? TPTK + flush draw... fold or all-in?
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Re: What would you do...?

Table Type: Multi Table Tournament Game Name: Texas Hold'em Stakes: $0.50/$1.00 Real Money Active Players: 10 Hajlender: Ah, Qh Zamolxe has the dealer button kotttti posts small blind ($15.00) Hajlender posts big blind ($30.00) A-WEN calls for $30.00 Agrazka calls for $30.00 deesnow calls for $30.00 I_Love_LFC calls for $30.00 tonoouts raises for $120.00 Outlaw1976 folds kaladze10 folds Zamolxe calls for $120.00 kotttti folds Hajlender calls for $90.00 A-WEN calls for $90.00 Agrazka calls for $90.00 deesnow calls for $90.00 I_Love_LFC folds Dealing Flop: 9h, 7h, Qc Hajlender bets $100.00 A-WEN folds Agrazka went all-in for $820.00 deesnow folds tonoouts went all-in for $1,220.00 Zamolxe calls for $1,220.00 Hajlender ??? TPTK + flush draw... fold or all-in?
That`s how it was... I went all-in The pot was $5.045 Turn: Kd River: 4c tonoouts showed Qd, 4d => Two Pairs and won the pot :@ As Dave Mardell said: Just noticed that this is a $1 MTT. Fish central :lol
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Re: What would you do...? easy, just think of what people have shoved in the past and make a best guess people generally play the same most of the time, and so you are guesstimating what that might have - by doing so you will become a better player for it Damo

How can you anaylise a $1 game.
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Re: What would you do...? In this case, no. In fact, in every case, no no, and no. Playing and improving at poker is about making the correct decisions. These decisions should be the same regardless of the buy-in. Learning to play poker to the best of ones ability should not be result orientated, which is why hands should be analysed in the same way whether the buy-in is 1c, $1, $10 etc.... You can justify making bad plays by saying, "but i won the hand", but that isn't the point, ever. Why do people play AQ? Obviously in the hope that it improves after the flop. The truth is that even Pro players would be creaming themselves in this situation, and jumping all in with the nut flush draw is certainly worth doing in my opinion, even if you're behind.

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Re: What would you do...? I concur entirely and couldn't have put it better myself EXCELLENT reply Mr V Damo

In this case' date=' no. In fact, in [u']every case, no no, and no. Playing and improving at poker is about making the correct decisions. These decisions should be the same regardless of the buy-in. Learning to play poker to the best of ones ability should not be result orientated, which is why hands should be analysed in the same way whether the buy-in is 1c, $1, $10 etc.... You can justify making bad plays by saying, "but i won the hand", but that isn't the point, ever. Why do people play AQ? Obviously in the hope that it improves after the flop. The truth is that even Pro players would be creaming themselves in this situation, and jumping all in with the nut flush draw is certainly worth doing in my opinion, even if you're behind.
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