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Harvesting a maniac image


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I've been playing on low stakes Poker770 tables the last few nights, and something's been working well. :loon I'd tried this before and it seems to work - just go in there and start making silly raises with nothing, and even calling raises when you're beat on the river...it doesn't take em long to start calling over sized bets when I have decent cards. I went in with $20 tonight, went down to about $7 being silly and now within about 10 mins I'm back up to $30. People calling me with nothing. :eek

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Re: Harvesting a maniac image Seems intresting,, Like to see how you do over a few days. I also presume you note down who you are playing against. So as not to come across them again.. Good luck Jeffers.. Hope your Leg is better BTW:ok

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Re: Harvesting a maniac image I have tried this in multi-table tournaments before - but the problem is surviving early on. If you do survive - it can be amazing what people will take you on with. However it can be really frustrating - when you've cultivated the image (costing you a few chips) and then you get moved.

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Re: Harvesting a maniac image Well, for a live face-to-face game there's a few out there who already have a maniac image and just need to turn up - no need to play any hands!!! :loon

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Re: Harvesting a maniac image did something similar yesterday the dangers of creating this loose image then playing lockdown poker is you have to get the hands to reap the rewards anyway heres my example from yesterday i totally bluff a guy off a pot on river when he checks when the flush hits, i move all in for $35 with 10 high no pair he folds so i show him grins i just cant resist showing a good bluff anyway 5 hands later i'm on BB with JJ same person makes it $6 to go blinds are .50/1.00 nl i smoothcall all others fold, flo comes Q-2-3 i dont like it he bets 4 now i have a good feeling so smoothcall see what the turn brings in, turn comes Q this guy bets $8 again i smooth call river is a 3 so now board is QQ233 also nasty flush showing.this time he checks now i know i have him unless he slowplaying which my notes say he is incapable of doing i move all in for $45 quick as a flash he calls i say happy bithday me he mucks!!! i promptly asked him if he thought id try the same move twice in a row grins

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