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**Poker Saturday 8th July**


**Poker Saturday 8th July**  

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    • 18:00 Europoker Fish Tank
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 19:45 Boss Fed Up With Football
    • 20:00 Canbet $500 Freeroll
    • 20:00 Gala Casinos WSOP Freeroll
    • 20:00 Pokerstars Interforum Freeroll
    • 20:00 Bet365 $5000 Freeroll
    • 21:00 Mansion $500 Added
    • 23:00 Mansion World Cup
    • 03:00 Mansion $500 Added

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Re: **Poker Saturday 8th July** Newbie - I think you could (and should) have played that hand totally differently. Firstly - raise preflop. Not a lot, 3xBB would be fine since you're in early position with plenty of chips. You don't want a 6 handed flop! When the flop comes and Sparky goes all in, re-raise all in if you think you've got the best hand. By flat calling, you give the donk great odds to call with his pair of 6s, since it appears that you don't have a 7 (or better). You have him covered, so put him to the test for ALL his chips. Since the donk didn't raise the flop, he's probably drawing for the flush/straight or has a mediocre hand, so push the turn. If you think the donk doesn't have a 7 (or a pair higher than yours), make him pay for whatever he is drawing to (in this case a K, but it could have been a flush). By playing weak/passive, you are making it easy for him to suck out. If you get your money in early, you are at least protecting your hand, and if he does call - most of the time you'll get all his chips, which will more than make up for the very few times he draws out on you.

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Re: **Poker Saturday 8th July** Only 46 in the $5k world cup freeroll on Royal Vegas but crashed out in 37th. I was dealt mostly rubbish and that was how I played. Even the site felt rubbish, which I didn't notice last week when I qualified ! So much of this game is confidence and at the moment I'm struggling to find some - whereas only a little over a week ago I felt like I couldn't lose. I just need to remember what that felt like :wall :lol Gaz - sorry mate that you didn't last much longer than I did. Mr V and Uber - well done on your performances in the forum challenge :clap :clap

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Re: **Poker Saturday 8th July** The only reason why i didn't raise pre-flop is because that donk actually calls anything . Before i came to that table , someone apparantly raised with some big hands but fell short to the donk . Anyway , i betted 20,000 which takes virtually all of his chips . Perhaps , i should have raised pre-flop but well , i guess i would have lost to him if he had called . Anyway , forgotten about that incident already lol . More poker is needed . :clap

Newbie - I think you could (and should) have played that hand totally differently. Firstly - raise preflop. Not a lot, 3xBB would be fine since you're in early position with plenty of chips. You don't want a 6 handed flop! When the flop comes and Sparky goes all in, re-raise all in if you think you've got the best hand. By flat calling, you give the donk great odds to call with his pair of 6s, since it appears that you don't have a 7 (or better). You have him covered, so put him to the test for ALL his chips. Since the donk didn't raise the flop, he's probably drawing for the flush/straight or has a mediocre hand, so push the turn. If you think the donk doesn't have a 7 (or a pair higher than yours), make him pay for whatever he is drawing to (in this case a K, but it could have been a flush). By playing weak/passive, you are making it easy for him to suck out. If you get your money in early, you are at least protecting your hand, and if he does call - most of the time you'll get all his chips, which will more than make up for the very few times he draws out on you.
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Re: **Poker Saturday 8th July** Actually , when the flop and turn came , i was quietly confident that i had the best hand . So when i lost to him at the river especially with a K6 , its awful . If he had , K10 , KJ , KQ , KK or AK , it would have been ok with me . K6 is just too awful to risk with nearly all of your chips isn't it ? Unless he's telling me that he doesn't know how to fold a hand . Btw , since i moved to the new table , i haven't seen him fold a hand . :rollin :rollin :rollin

...yeah, calm down or take some anger management therapy ! I don't think I'd like to play you live if you can take a beat that badly
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