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Bad Beats


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Re: Bad Beats

I got sent this text from fellow PL'er Steveadam23 last night: "Dealt 4s and flopped 4 of a kind. All-in and called by pocket 10's, runner runner 10s!!!" Must be a 99% fave getting beaten there. I'm not surprised he hasn't posted it yet though, probably won't have worked his way through his entire drinks cabinet until later today.
Yep last night, had been playing for about an hour or so and doing fairly well when I'm dealt a pair of 4's. Everyone folds before me so I raise it up 4x the BB from middle position, 1 caller on the SB. Flop comes 4/4/K. Other Guy bets roughly the size of the pot, so I go over the top all in. He calls, and turns over 10's. So post flop the position is - Board: Kh 4h 4s Dead: equity (%) win (%) tie (%) Hand 1: 99.8990 % 99.90% 00.00% { 4c4d } Hand 2: 00.1010 % 00.10% 00.00% { TcTd } Only for him to catch runner, runner 10's to beat me with his quads. :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall Could not beleive my eyes, wish I could have got a screen shot of it, but was too shocked to do anything! Steve.
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