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Bad Beats


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Re: Bad Beats Just my opinion really. I would reraise every time holding AA. You have the best starting hand. Over a long period of time you will win the majority of HU if your holding AA. By not reraising your also giving the chance for someone behind you to come into the pot. If there holding QKs and the hit straight or flush you will be annoyed you allowed them in the hand. If you reraise and they call and hit then you live with it. You want people to call for the value so you accept it and hope you get paid out next time.

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Re: Bad Beats Im absolutely sick of it. Down to 4 players. Some1 next to me moves all in, I call (costs me 3/4 my stack). I have AK he has A2. Two kings come but he hits a flush. If that isn't a laughing stock wait till you hear how I got knocked out. Pick up JA, move all in, called by a 7 2 off suit. a 7 comes on the flop and holds up. Makes you laugh tbh and it proves to me there is far more luck involved than skill. Absolute joke. :sad

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Re: Bad Beats

Has to be post flop, where 2 cards are needed from only 2 cards in the deck and they arrive runner runner. Can't get any worse than that can it? Now, I'm not talking just about something pathetic like my AKo all in pre flop was overturned by AJo - that's pathetic and not worth talking about :P - I mean REAL bad beats!!! This is NOT a thread to post all your bad beats - you are only welcome to post bad beats in here if at the time you post them, they are the worst in the thread!!!!!
please keep this thread on topic
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Re: Bad Beats

Im absolutely sick of it. Down to 4 players. Some1 next to me moves all in, I call (costs me 3/4 my stack). I have AK he has A2. Two kings come but he hits a flush. If that isn't a laughing stock wait till you hear how I got knocked out. Pick up JA, move all in, called by a 7 2 off suit. a 7 comes on the flop and holds up. Makes you laugh tbh and it proves to me there is far more luck involved than skill. Absolute joke. :sad
The first hand you're only about a 3/1 favourite, and the second you're only about a 2/1 favourite. Unlucky, but far from the real bad beat GaF was after, I think. I had one last night that would have qualified as the worst yet in this thread except that Foolsgold got in first with his, that was slightly worse. So I'll virtuously not tell you about it. :)
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Re: Bad Beats Just a quick question - theoretically is there a worse bad beat than hitting your only 2 possible outs runner-runner post-flop? Can this only happen with a runner-runner full house or quads too? I suppose if someone has a straight flush you could conceivably hit a higher straight flush runner-runner. Is r-r straight flush a worse bad beat than r-r full-house?

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Re: Bad Beats

Just a quick question - theoretically is there a worse bad beat than hitting your only 2 possible outs runner-runner post-flop?
I suppose you may come up with a situation (in a multi-way pot, probably) where it's more unlucky when the runner-runner come in a particular order, because if they came in the other order the opponent with the chips would have folded on the turn.
Can this only happen with a runner-runner full house or quads too? I suppose if someone has a straight flush you could conceivably hit a higher straight flush runner-runner.
Or you could have the nut flush, with the only way for the other guy to beat you being to get a runner-runner straight flush. This has the makings of a trivia question. Heads up after the flop, what is the worst hand you can have that is guaranteed to win against the other guy's cards? And what's the worst hand you can have that is guaranteed to win barring a specific two cards on the turn/river?
Is r-r straight flush a worse bad beat than r-r full-house?
Mathematically they're the same of course. Psychologically? I don't know.
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Re: Bad Beats In SIMPLE terms (ie so that I can understand please Slap :D), how can this be so?

Is r-r straight flush a worse bad beat than r-r full-house?
Mathematically they're the same of course. Psychologically? I don't know.
If I have AQspades you have 8 10spades flop is 7s Qh 10h turn is 9spades river is Jspades at the flop although the odds of both players making the flush, surely as you need 2 specific cards to improve then the odds will be higher for your hand than for mine? :unsure
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Re: Bad Beats

In SIMPLE terms (ie so that I can understand please Slap :D), how can this be so? If I have AQspades you have 8 10spades flop is 7s Qh 10h turn is 9spades river is Jspades at the flop although the odds of both players making the flush, surely as you need 2 specific cards to improve then the odds will be higher for your hand than for mine? :unsure
You don't have a made flush though after the flop, he has both 8s and 10s still in the pack that will beat you. So the odds of you losing from there aren't that high. re. the trivia questions, I haven't got the foggiest about the answers but I do find them interesting. Like the hand that is winning after the flop but can only split the pot at best by the river.
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Re: Bad Beats

In SIMPLE terms (ie so that I can understand please Slap :D)' date=' how can this be so?[/quote'] I didn't mean anything complicated. All I meant was that if on the flop you're guaranteed to win except that there are just two specific cards that could come on the turn and river to make your opponent's hand, then mathematically it makes no difference whether he needs them to make a full house or to make a straight flush. In either case you only have a 1 in 990 chance of losing after the flop. I thought that was what Paul was asking, but maybe I misunderstood the question.
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Re: Bad Beats

Or you could have the nut flush, with the only way for the other guy to beat you being to get a runner-runner straight flush.
Sorry for the double post. But this could be a good criteria for a proper bad beat, you have to be holding the nut flush or better and still lose.
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Re: Bad Beats I actually gave out a bad beat for a change last night. I was playing at 6 seater sit and go and was dominating with 4 players left. Had 5'000 chips and picked up pockets 10's. Raised to 450 and player next to me moves all in for 2'000 chips. I call and he reveals the pocket rockets. Luckily I catch a 10 on the river to win the pot and go onto win the tourney. :$ Its a change I suppose. :beer

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Re: Bad Beats

I actually gave out a bad beat for a change last night. I was playing at 6 seater sit and go and was dominating with 4 players left. Had 5'000 chips and picked up pockets 10's. Raised to 450 and player next to me moves all in for 2'000 chips. I call and he reveals the pocket rockets. Luckily I catch a 10 on the river to win the pot and go onto win the tourney. :$ Its a change I suppose. :beer
i say again Quote:
Originally Posted by GotaFancy?(BPP) Has to be post flop, where 2 cards are needed from only 2 cards in the deck and they arrive runner runner. Can't get any worse than that can it? Now, I'm not talking just about something pathetic like my AKo all in pre flop was overturned by AJo - that's pathetic and not worth talking about :P - I mean REAL bad beats!!! This is NOT a thread to post all your bad beats - you are only welcome to post bad beats in here if at the time you post them, they are the worst in the thread!!!!!
please keep this thread on topic
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Re: Bad Beats

please keep this thread on topic
Does make you wonder if some people read anything in the thread before adding to it doesn't it. Perhaps we need to make it stand out? ALL IN PRE-FLOP DOES NOT COUNT!!!!!!!!! I think that might do it, although I have to say I'm doubtful:\
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Re: Bad Beats I got sent this text from fellow PL'er Steveadam23 last night: "Dealt 4s and flopped 4 of a kind. All-in and called by pocket 10's, runner runner 10s!!!" Must be a 99% fave getting beaten there. I'm not surprised he hasn't posted it yet though, probably won't have worked his way through his entire drinks cabinet until later today.

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Re: Bad Beats how frustrating is poker!!!!! Hand #390892469 at table: Champs League-Rnd 5 Started: Thu Aug 10 20:49:25 2006 dupek :) is at seat 1 with 2050.00 gary231 is at seat 2 with 1730.00 Telepe is at seat 3 with 1290.00 DAN DAN is at seat 4 with 8520.00 morlspin1 is at seat 5 with 2923.00 r1ppyuk is at seat 6 with 3315.00 marousa13 is at seat 7 with 855.00 ~The Angel is at seat 9 with 3007.00 Zimbra is at seat 10 with 6185.00 ~The Angel posts the large blind 150.00 marousa13 posts the small blind 75.00 marousa13: --, -- ~The Angel: --, -- Zimbra: --, -- dupek :): --, -- gary231: --, -- Telepe: --, -- DAN DAN: --, -- morlspin1: 8s, 8h r1ppyuk: --, -- Pre-flop: Zimbra: Fold dupek :): Call 150.00 gary231: Fold Telepe: Fold DAN DAN: Fold morlspin1: Call 150.00 r1ppyuk: Fold marousa13: Call 150.00 ~The Angel: Raise 300.00 dupek :): Call 300.00 morlspin1: Call 300.00 marousa13: Fold Flop (Board: 4d, 8c, Jc): ~The Angel: Bet 150.00 dupek :): Call 150.00 morlspin1: Raise 750.00 ~The Angel: Call 750.00 dupek :): Call 750.00 Turn (Board: 4d, 8c, Jc, 9s): ~The Angel: Bet 300.00 dupek :): Call 300.00 morlspin1: All in ~The Angel: Call 1873.00 dupek :): All in Showdown: dupek :) shows: Js, Ah (a pair of Jacks) morlspin1 shows: 8s, 8h (three of a kind, Eights) ~The Angel shows: Kh, Kc (a pair of Kings) River (Board: 4d, 8c, Jc, 9s, Ks): ~The Angel shows: Kh, Kc (three of a kind, Kings) Sidepot 2: ~The Angel wins the pot of 1746 with three of a kind, Kings Mainpot: ~The Angel wins the pot of 6300 with three of a kind, Kings (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)

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Re: Bad Beats

is that a bad beat then?
Not really. Unlucky but not a bad beat in the context of this thread. Anyone got anything where they were holding nut flush or better when the money went in?
Get dealt pocket kings, raise 4 times the big blind. Get called by 1 person. Flop comes 4 2 9. Opponent goes all in and I call, he reveals just J 10 so Ive caught out his bluff. A jack on the turn and river gives the unskilled player the victory yet again though.
Nope. Read the thread again. You must have only 2 outs that come runner-runner.
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Re: Bad Beats Out of interest - how bad was this one? :unsure

DEALER: Your hole cards are 6 heart 5club DEALER: Ace and King, it's your turn DEALER: The flop is 2diamond 3heart 2heart DEALER: Valiant23pl, it's your turn (Here I click all in! :wall) Riffmish: sorry Valiant23pl: oh shit DEALER: Riffmish, it's your turn DEALER: The turn is 6spade Valiant23pl: wrong button DEALER: The river is 6diamond DEALER: Riffmish shows Aclub 2club DEALER: Sherman shows Jheart 8heart DEALER: Valiant23pl shows 6heart 5club DEALER: Valiant23pl wins 2,784 with a full house, sixes full of deuces Valiant23pl: I swear DEALER: Valiant23pl wins 22,660 with a full house, sixes full of deuces philossify: nice catch MrV ............................ Riffmish: expletive Valiant23pl: Riff I'm sorry philossify: no yer not :-) Valiant23pl: well okay Valiant23pl: but it WAS a mistake
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Re: Bad Beats

Out of interest - how bad was this one? :unsure
Not too bad - you had a 14% shot...... Board: 2d 3h 2s Dead: equity (%) win (%) tie (%) Hand 1: 14.2857 % 14.17% 00.11% { 6h5c } Hand 2: 03.1008 % 02.99% 00.11% { Jh8h } Hand 3: 82.6135 % 82.50% 00.11% { Ac2c }
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