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Bad Beats


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Whines about Bad Beats seam to have declined substantially recently :loon :loon So running the severe risk of relaunching this monster (which I DON'T want to do), was having a thought about what the worst bad beat possible would be..... Has to be post flop, where 2 cards are needed from only 2 cards in the deck and they arrive runner runner. Can't get any worse than that can it? So for example Quad Kings flopped up against a pair of aces and rag - only runner runner aces can save the pair of aces ...... the aces will do it about 1 time in a thousand ..... not that remote really for the smallest chance (where not drawing dead).

Board: Kd Kc 7s Dead: equity (%) win (%) tie (%) Hand 1: 00.1010 % 00.10% 00.00% { AcAd } Hand 2: 99.8990 % 99.90% 00.00% { KhKs }
So lets lay down the challenge - do we really suffer from that many bad beats? Who suffers the worst bad beat? If you sffer a bad beat WORSE than the WORST listed in this thread, then post it :ok Now, I'm not talking just about something pathetic like my AKo all in pre flop was overturned by AJo - that's pathetic and not worth talking about :P - I mean REAL bad beats!!! The only ones that will get to the odds are post flop (nothing is a big enough favourite pre flop to be considered a bad beat for this and post turn, it cannot be any worse than 1 card from 46 - about 2%) - and you MUST have a decision to make for it to count - i.e. if you were all in pre flop, you can't be Bad Beat because you were never that overwhelmingly ahead when the money went in!!! To see the odds - you can use PokerStove - if you haven't got it, why not??? it's free :loon You can always PM me your hand history and I'll check for you. This is NOT a thread to post all your bad beats - you are only welcome to post bad beats in here if at the time you post them, they are the worst in the thread!!!!!
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Re: Bad Beats Normally hate these threads, but example reminds me of my worst beat - was on the bubble in the 16k on prima (as it was then) about a year and a half ago, was fairly short but not desperate. Raise 4xBB in late position with TT, called by the SB, BB folds. Flop is TTA, I put in a small bet, he reraises all in, obviously I call, he shows AJ and gets running aces turn and river.

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Re: Bad Beats Don't know if this qualifies or not but it still haunts me... Sporting Odds Super Sunday Qualifier, down to the last 13, top 10 qualify. Jaded is to my right and we're both holding about 32,000 but Jaded has the slightly bigger stack. Can't remember what the blinds are but I'm sure we were both short stacked. However... I get dealt TT and am contemplating what to do so close to qualifying. While I'm waiting my turn I decide to go all-in and hope everyone else folds. However, Jaded being Jaded goes charging all-in before me leaving me with one helluva decision. I decide to call as does one other. Jaded shows K4 (:loon ) and the other guys shows KA... fair enough. Flop doesn't help anyone, same with the turn. The river produces a K and I find myself going ta-ta. To make matters worse, as Jaded and myself are removed from the table, he types into the chat box 'I made it!'. To my complete and utter horror I find myself going out on the bubble while J qualifies having had the marginally better stack at the start of the hand! :wall With hindsight I should have dumped the hand but that, as they say, is poker! :rollin PS I'm sure it was Jaded who was playing so if it wasn't my humble apologies mate! :lol

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Re: Bad Beats I delivered a cracker of a bad beat today, I go all in pre flop with a pair of Queens, I'm called, he turns over a pair of Aces. flop is A 7 4 Turn Q River Q He went mental in chat

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Re: Bad Beats guesswest - great example - and so far as I can see - is (equal) worst bad beat possible in the game!!! Chances are (2/47) * (1/46) which I presume comes out at the same odds in the example - 99,9% favourite!!! However it's old so doesn't count ;) I'm looking for current examples with Hand History :) Brael - cheers mate - you've provided a perfect example of one of the pathetic bad beats I don't want in this thread :P. You were something like a 57% favoutire and got turned over.

Board: Dead: equity (%) win (%) tie (%) Hand 1: 56.9583 % 56.82% 00.14% { TcTd } Hand 2: 08.1147 % 07.70% 00.41% { Kc4d } Hand 3: 34.9269 % 34.52% 00.41% { AdKh }
Even against just Jaded, it wouldn't have qualified
Board: Dead: equity (%) win (%) tie (%) Hand 1: 71.7329 % 71.53% 00.21% { TcTd } Hand 2: 28.2671 % 28.06% 00.21% { Kd4h }
REMEMBER guys - this is NOT a bad beat thread to post all your bad beats!!! Please don't let me have created a monster :loon :loon
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Re: Bad Beats

REMEMBER guys - this is NOT a bad beat thread to post all your bad beats!!! Please don't let me have created a monster :loon :loon
He he, :rollin :rollin :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol You... OF ALL PEOPLE ... created a bad beat thread :lol :lol :lol BEWARE OF MONSTERS.... :unsure :hope
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Re: Bad Beats

So running the severe risk of relaunching this monster (which I DON'T want to do), was having a thought about what the worst bad beat possible would be.....
I don't remember the details, and my memory may be exaggerating this, but I remember reading about a situation where the bad beater was actually drawing dead, because somebody had already mucked a hand containing one of the two cards he needed. But because of a dealer error (the dealer thought the hand was over and gathered together all the mucked and undealt cards, or something like that), the mucked cards had to be shuffled up with the undealt cards, according to the rules. And then he got the runner-runner cards he needed. I'll try to dig up the details.
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Re: Bad Beats

Surely this is one bad beat ?
Nope - this is another PATHETIC one!! Post flop you were 76% favourite - NOWHERE NEAR a bad beat as defined in this thread!!! Simply a favourite that was overturned!! And when you put the last of the money in, YOU WEREN'T EVEN AHEAD!!!!!
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Re: Bad Beats Ah - just seen the third hand - you were 56% to win and 44% to lose when most of the money went in post flop - not far from a coin flip for you!!!! I'm starting to regret this thread..........

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Re: Bad Beats Don't regret it mate . Needed a place to really vent the frustrations . After some exercise , felt much better . Poker goes on . I'll take away that thread of mine and edit it . Lets await for more quality bad beats .

Ah - just seen the third hand - you were 56% to win and 44% to lose when most of the money went in post flop - not far from a coin flip for you!!!! I'm starting to regret this thread..........
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Re: Bad Beats The ''bad beat'' is intensified by the projected loss incurred by that hand. For instance, it is the first hand of a $1 STT, then the max. cost has been $5 (assuming you would have won the whole game). So the bad beat doesn't bother you too much. But on the bubble in a massive MTT, when you know if you had won that hand it would have put you in line for mega bucks...then this one is the one that you remember...as the pain level is directly proportional to the imagined ''I should have won £££'' level.

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Re: Bad Beats That is exactly what i felt when i lost that . had i won that pot , i would have cemented my place in the final table i feel .

The ''bad beat'' is intensified by the projected loss incurred by that hand. For instance, it is the first hand of a $1 STT, then the max. cost has been $5 (assuming you would have won the whole game). So the bad beat doesn't bother you too much. But on the bubble in a massive MTT, when you know if you had won that hand it would have put you in line for mega bucks...then this one is the one that you remember...as the pain level is directly proportional to the imagined ''I should have won £££'' level.
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  • 1 month later...

Re: Bad Beats

Wow - over a month down the line and not one Bad Beat (Mathmatically - not counting the pain of where you are "favourite" and lose in a bad situation) to report between all of us? :loon :loon
It just means that we're all immune to 'bad beats' and accept them!! :dude Oh, and Mr V has finally matured! :lol TQM
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Re: Bad Beats Here's one from last night, heads up at the end of a STT I'm holding A J Clubs, Flop comes out 7c 9c 5c Ace high flush, I push. He calls Turn Qh River 7d You guessed it, he turns over Qc 7s, shows a full house 7's and Q's and beats my Ace high flush. Haven't run the numbers but I think i was 99%+ fav. Said in chat he thought I had nothing and I was bluffing for a blind steal

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Re: Bad Beats

Wow - over a month down the line and not one Bad Beat (Mathmatically - not counting the pain of where you are "favourite" and lose in a bad situation) to report between all of us? :loon :loon
To be fair, it's not as though you've been reminding us to post them here. :lol I had a bad beat a couple of weeks ago. I was 95% favourite and he was a 5% dog ... or maybe it was the other way around ... I forget. Anyway, I lost. Just proves online poker is fixed.
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Re: Bad Beats I always find bad beats are like busses, once you get one they just keep coming. For the past two weeks I've been scared to play AA I've been getting so many, however you know it's gonna change you've just got to ride it out. My personal fave is one that happened to me a couple of months ago, not really a bad beat but a real bummer... I get dealt AA other guy raises 4xBB - I call flop A 10 10 I go all in, he calls Cards are turned over he has KK At this point he put in the chat , nh - gg Turn is 10 River is 10 Split pot God hates me!

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Re: Bad Beats

I always find bad beats are like busses, once you get one they just keep coming. For the past two weeks I've been scared to play AA I've been getting so many, however you know it's gonna change you've just got to ride it out. My personal fave is one that happened to me a couple of months ago, not really a bad beat but a real bummer... I get dealt AA other guy raises 4xBB - I call flop A 10 10 I go all in, he calls Cards are turned over he has KK At this point he put in the chat , nh - gg Turn is 10 River is 10 Split pot God hates me!
Just my opinion if your holding AA and a guy raises 4 * BB. You have to reraise. If he folds at least you have won 4BB's also if he calls you know he has got a premium hand and not going to just hit any old shite.
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Re: Bad Beats On the other side, one that I dished out at a live game a while back at the LMP night at clapham. On a side game there was me and one other guy heads up I was less than a quarter of the big stack and it's my big blind. First hand My cards AK my worthy opponent goes all in and I call. He shows KK I flop an ace and it holds up. Second hand My cards AK I go all in my worthy opponent calls. He shows KK I flop an ace and it holds up. I now have about 70% of the chips Final hand My cards AK my worthy opponent goes all in and I call. He shows KK I flop an ace and it holds up. Now what are the odds of that, I was so gobsmaked I paid him into the next side game!

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Re: Bad Beats

Just my opinion if your holding AA and a guy raises 4 * BB. You have to reraise. If he folds at least you have won 4BB's also if he calls you know he has got a premium hand and not going to just hit any old shite.
Depends when it happens, early in a tourney when there's too many huns around if I raise with AA and he puts me all in I still have to call as I'm holding the best hand but he could be holding crap or a decent pair- 5 cards left to come I could be shafted and out early where I'd rather try and build a steady lead. Later in the tourney when it's thinned out a bit and getting near the bubble you're absolutely right, big raise or all in even. Mind you, I've been having a crap time letely so I'd completely ignore what I've just said:loon
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