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Rugby International All Blacks V Wallabies

Rugby International All Blacks V Wallabies  

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    • AB'S Under 12.5 pts
    • AB's Over 12.5 pts
    • Wallabies Under 12.5 pts
    • Wallabies over 12.5 pts

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Re: Rugby International All Blacks V Wallabies Turned into a bit of a romp for the AB's 32-12 final score, so looks like a loser for a lot of folks here, unlucky guys could easily have been a winner. Nice win for me though, short price but it's all about the churn

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Re: Rugby International All Blacks V Wallabies I got one up the AB's to win whic I had the bulk of 80% of my stake on & just missed out on the AB's under 12.5 pts. I could see the Wallabies possibly scoring a late try but it was not too be. wasn't happy with the late AB try, but the bet was going down anyway. Thought the Wallabies were average. Seems like there bubble has burst under the new coach. Same old problems with the front three! Larkham had an average game. Just goes to show why he isn't the best fly half in the world.

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