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Sporting Odds MTT July - Leg 1


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Re: Sporting Odds MTT July - Leg 1 Aye she is... :sad Waking the kids up when she rivered that flush in the last hand. Very well played tonight sara and Mrs. An interesting HU contest. :clap :clap :clap Congrats to all the money finishers too. :ok

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT July - Leg 1 Thanks sara for a great heads up. Morls - I',m not shaking it, I am running around with my t- shirt over my head - ala footballer style. You can ask Mr V. :tongue2 Thanks for the support guys - and thanks Mr V for not falling asleep but cheering me on. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT July - Leg 1 We may have already seen this video, but i thought Id post it just in case. Hopefully the PL guys at the WSOP dont get hit by any of these beats... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbXnJ2Eg550&search=poker :cry just read this and it reminded me of last night KK against gaz KA effing river card was an A out in 19th - could have been leading However i think i took it better than Phil Helmuth :@

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