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Bubble Dilema


Bubble Dilema  

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    • Its KK! All in you idiot
    • Call and carry on wasting time
    • Fold. I want money!

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I think this is either the first time, or first for a very long time that this has happened to me.. NOT a question about trying to win, as I was more interested in playing Pro Evo than winning this tourney, but just interesting to see peoples answer. On the Mansion $500 added I have had nothing whatsover (and I mean nothing to shove with at all) and I was blinding down, but the bubble was approaching, as were the blinds. Blinds were 300/600 antes 30, and my stack was about 1800... there were 28 left and there were 2 below me. Incidentally Mansion doesn't operate hand-for-hand mode yet. So, my BB was 57off suit, and I MKoP-style slow played then folded. The short stack in bubble position was all in on there BB, and the cards are dealt on my table. I look down and see KK on the SB. There are a couple in a similar predicament, but there is only one caller. The BB has over 10k in chips and covers me easily and could afford to call. So, as the poll asks, do YOU fold, call or go all in in my position?

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Re: Bubble Dilema :$$3.50:$ :lol :lol :lol :lol But really the its the situation not the prize that I was interested in getting feed-back on. ;) You could assume that I was a big-stack who got hit badly, or anything you like, but this is where you find yourself now.

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Re: Bubble Dilema I watched you play that hand and I don't think you did anything wrong. Short stacked late on there is every chance you'll get a caller and with KK you will most likely double up. Forget about the bubble (particularly because the prize value is low in real terms). Play to win the tournament. Also you have to remember that whilst it's a great hand, it can be beaten and you'd rather lose on the bubble coming up against AA than giving the BB the chance to connect with their 72o.

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Re: Bubble Dilema I will certainly fold cards I might otherwise have played when on the bubble, but that is also a matter of position (although I could be kidding myself on that one). But if I was the shortest stack left in the MTT I would not fold everything hoping that someone else will make a move and get called. If I'm in that situation I'd be looking to make the move myself.

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Re: Bubble Dilema Knowing you can play this tournie most nights would easily make this an all in call for me. All in on a high stakes game where the stakes for reaching the money far outweigh the buy in I've paid for it would make me think twice..... but I would still probably call heads up

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Re: Bubble Dilema Good Post MR V would you believe that in the last week, I have finished on the bubble twice, both in tourneys that I have spent over 6 hours playing on poker stars a $30+3 deepstacks and a $10+1 deepstacks. Both tourneys if I had folded I no doubt would have doubled my money maybe more as I had a decent stack.Both times I got rivered - KJ gave me 2 pair on the flop against 4s which made a set on the river, and AQ against AJ, J on the river However, the point is, do you play to make a little money or go for the big money, its obviously safer to go to make your money back however to make the big money you need to go for it and pick up the chips when everyone else is playing safe, it really is six of one and half a dozen of the other

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Re: Bubble Dilema

How much were you playing for if you limped into the money? (and how much for winning? YES it is still possible - this IS no limit holdem!!)
And what is the prize structure once you get past the bubble? Do the next ten to go out all get the same? This would make it more tempting just to make sure of making the money, as you'd need to do pretty well to get more than the minimum payout even if you doubled up. Or do the prizes increase sooner than that? This would make it more tempting to try to double up. ... or you could go almost all-in, after a lot of thought, and if you are raised then put your last few chips in, after a lot of thought. The guy at the other table might be out by then. :tongue2
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Guest gazza271

Re: Bubble Dilema For me at that stage its no doubt all in and take my chances against A? UNLESS we are talking about a large buy in and even the lowest places paid were a decent sum. For $3.50 its all in and hopefully double up and move up a couple of places.

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Re: Bubble Dilema Still consider myself a total novice (only been playing a couple of months) but I've tended to play All in with QQ, KK and AA towards the end if I'm relatively short to med stacked. I suppose it depends on the amount you stand to win if you reach the money.

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Re: Bubble Dilema easy this one - limp call and hope the big stack either shoves PF or pushes the flop (and you will call his bet) dead easy really now then, you have quailfied for the WSOP main event via a $6 super sat and its bubble time with you winning $10K (or is it $15K?) for finishing in the money and you can see the other table well, you go into the tank, and wait and wait and wait, and if forced to make a decision, fold and hope to limp into the cash (assuming that 10K is a lot to you) its all a matter of perspective I guess Damo

I I look down and see KK on the SB. There are a couple in a similar predicament, but there is only one caller. The BB has over 10k in chips and covers me easily and could afford to call. So, as the poll asks, do YOU fold, call or go all in in my position?
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Re: Bubble Dilema

now then, you have quailfied for the WSOP main event via a $6 super sat and its bubble time with you winning $10K (or is it $15K?) for finishing in the money and you can see the other table
In the WSOP main event they'd have hand-for-hand play at this stage. There still could be some advantage from seeing what happens at the other table before you make your decision, I guess.
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Re: Bubble Dilema

easy this one - limp call and hope the big stack either shoves PF or pushes the flop (and you will call his bet) dead easy really
Yeah but then you run the risk of falling behind post-flop surely (by 'allowing' others into the hand by limping)? Something which a pre-flop 'push' may not eliminate entirely, but minimise. P.S. Its nice to see thoughtful discussion on what seems such a straightforward situation. :D
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Re: Bubble Dilema I´m all in, usually the prize structure is such, that it always pays to go after first prize even with a slim chance. The only scenario where I would even consider to fold, would be in a tournament where all got the same prize (like a seat to bigget tournament), and there was so many shortstacked that there would be almost certain, that the buble would be over before the blinds got to me next time. Btw I would never call thats a terrible idea in my opinion, if you go all-in, BB needs to put in an extra 1200 win a pot of 3900, which means he will have to call with a very large range of hands, if you just call and he has nothing you risc he just call and gets away on the flop if he hits nothing.

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