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Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE


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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE Well, what can I say - What a fantastic weekend. Knackering, but really cool! First things first, I didn't win - I finished 3rd. OK I suppose considering it was my first live poker experience. And what better place to do it than Vegas! The whole weekend was cool. Vegas is mad! The suite in Caesars Palace was just the nuts. And the view was even better - looking out over the Bellagio and the dancing fountains right in front of us. And could see the whole way down the strip. I will post a couple of pictures once I've got them off my camera. TV interviews as soon as we got there. Then dinner with the other players and the production crew/organisers. Saturday morning then spent lazing round the pool in very very hot temperatures, before it was off to rehearsals and then the actual game/show itself. Didn't realise before I got there, but one of the other players - Perry Friedman - is a Pro Poker player who's won a bracelet at the WSOP! He was sat to my right. Nice bloke, doesn't stop talking! The actual game - I thought I played ok. I didn't get the best of cards. 2 low pocket pairs (2's and 3's neither of which improved), A9, AQ (I had to fold in the face of raise, re-raise) and then got busted when, shortstacked and with the blinds about to double, my AJ met KK. I could go on for ages about it, but I'm knackered! I haven't read if Hedonist or Mr V are going yet, but if you are (or anyone else for that matter!) and have any questions feel free to ask. All in all, it was a fantastic experience! :D :D :D

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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

Hodgey, Who did you fly with? From Gatwick? Was it in Economy or did they upgrade you? How did you get on with the $500 they gave you to play in the casino with? I'm glad you enjoyed it mate. Hope you are not too badly jet lagged.
I think I'm still buzzing too much to be jet lagged. But I'm sure it will catch up with me in the next couple of days. I've hardly slept the whole trip but it had to be done that way - can't spend all your time sleeping if you're only in Vegas for the weekend! :loon Flew with Virgin from Gatwick in economy class. They gave us all $500 in chips at the Friday night dinner. Me and my financee gambled some of it (well blew it actually!) on the roulette table (cos she's never played roulette before - and what better place to play your first time than Caesars Palace!), but then cashed the rest up and used it to pay for the very expensive drinks and food there! ;)
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE Good result Hodgey, I fly over friday but will not play, had an email from Fox sports saying they will not interview me unless I get to play so hope to have more free time. I have hundreds of questions but just two will do Can I bet my 500 chips on the sportsdesk? - England play on Saturday. They say wear business suit, is that necessary as I will not be on TV?

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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE That's a shame you're not down to play mate, although just going along will be fantastic anyway - it's such a great package.

Can I bet my 500 chips on the sportsdesk? - England play on Saturday.
I'm not sure if you bet with chips or cash on the sportsdesk but you can cash your $500 chips out immediately so it will make no difference. :ok
They say wear business suit, is that necessary as I will not be on TV?
Hmmm, not sure. I wasn't told to wear a business suit - just dark clothes. I just wore trousers and a shirt. Funnily enough, the eventual winner nearly didn't get to play cos he turned up in shorts. They had to send someone back to the hotel to pick up his 'pants'!! :lol And she only got back about 10 mins before we were due to start! Enjoy yourself, and :hope you get to play too. Any other questions mate, don't hesitate. :ok
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE This is part of an email I had from them: Clothing: To help you pack, Fox Sports Net requests that men wear business attire--collared shirts, jackets, ties optional; women--business attire--suits, dresses. Note; no white clothing for the telecast. The dinner Friday night is held at one of the fine dining restaurants in Caesars Palace or the Forum Shops, please dress business or appropriate resort attire. I was not intending to take a jacket but could always buy one over there if needed. Will ask about the video if you hear nothing sooner.

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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE I never received that email with dress code in it. None of us had suits on (well one did, but I thought that was his choice, although maybe he did get that email). But if they've sent that to all the players this week then maybe you better take a jacket just to be on the safe side? Sorry I can't be more help on that, up to you really I guess. Here's the view from the room. Superb. :ok 20060604lasvegas02182fa.jpg

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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

I never received that email with dress code in it. None of us had suits on (well one did, but I thought that was his choice, although maybe he did get that email). But if they've sent that to all the players this week then maybe you better take a jacket just to be on the safe side? Sorry I can't be more help on that, up to you really I guess. Here's the view from the room. Superb. :ok 20060604lasvegas02182fa.jpg
i loved bellagio and would recommend it to anyone planning on going over, never stayed in caesers but thats a great view you got there, funnily enough if you look around 2 o clock you can see new york new york hotel which i stayed in last time i was there and i've got the exact reverse photo you put on here, anyway the point of the post is if ya not in vegas long the 3 things ya must do are go to binions and see the poker hall of fame on the wall, watch doyle and chip fleece the hi rollers in bellagio and have a steak at mortons, anything else can be done "next time" cos you will go back!!!
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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge I am shattered, have just got back from 48 hours in Vegas, at the friday night dinner they gave us details of this tournament but no more than is posted above. I asked about a video for Hodgey and they say they are making dvd's and they hope all players will get them. One bit of advice for anyone who qualifies for the Poker Dome,you can change your return flight at no extra cost so you can spend more than 2 days in Vegas, if I had thought about it I would have done. John from england did and booked a cheaper hotel online but since he won the $25,000 he can afford to stay at Ceasars.

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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE Question for Hodgey and Hedonist: How long after you qualified was your trip to Vegas? I won't be able to get away for the next few weeks, and I wondered when I should start playing in these again. Not that I expect to qualify, but if I did, and I couldn't go, that would be more than a little annoying!

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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE I just KNOW i'm asking a dumb question here but why is the Pokerdome table that Kevs on just going round in blinds? I am assuming it wont be live feed but does it have any bearing on what may be happening at the real table? or will it in the future?

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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

I just KNOW i'm asking a dumb question here but why is the Pokerdome table that Kevs on just going round in blinds? I am assuming it wont be live feed but does it have any bearing on what may be happening at the real table? or will it in the future?
The game will not start until about 4am in the morning our time, they have rehearsals before the actual match. Kev wrote that he is unable to go as he is in Germany for the World Cup. Have no idea why they put the table on the internet!!! :unsure
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

The game will not start until about 4am in the morning our time, they have rehearsals before the actual match. Kev wrote that he is unable to go as he is in Germany for the World Cup. Have no idea why they put the table on the internet!!! :unsure
Heard about Kev, which is why I wondered and as for the time, thats what i thought :( Oh well, Only in America :lol
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE :wall :wall :wall :wall Shortish stacked on Poker Dome... and I get J6spades on my BB with 2 callers (no raises)... Flop; 7s, 8s, 10s. What happened next was madness. SB made a pot-sized raise. I meant to go all in and just called, and the other caller re-raised. I thought he had a high spade and wanted to get to the river. SB folded, and I call all in. He turns over A5 spades. Only 1 card can save me.... :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin Fookin 9 of spades. :sad :sad :sad Ah well. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE Got home yesterday and there waiting for me in the post was my DVD copy of the show I was in! Watched it last night and it's quite weird seeing myself on tele, but on the whole I don't think I disgraced myself any. The commentators seemed to agree and said I didn't really get any cards to play. As an aside, the pro in my heat - Perry Friedman - managed to win another qualifier to go again but they have said no. I feel a bit sorry for him cos at the dinner whilst over there they did say we could try and qualify again. But at least it's saved me wasting hours trying to qualify again!

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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

Got home yesterday and there waiting for me in the post was my DVD copy of the show I was in! Watched it last night and it's quite weird seeing myself on tele, but on the whole I don't think I disgraced myself any. The commentators seemed to agree and said I didn't really get any cards to play. As an aside, the pro in my heat - Perry Friedman - managed to win another qualifier to go again but they have said no. I feel a bit sorry for him cos at the dinner whilst over there they did say we could try and qualify again. But at least it's saved me wasting hours trying to qualify again!
They said the same thing to us at our dinner. Since I did not qualify to play but only for the trip I intend to keep trying! :hope
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

They said the same thing to us at our dinner. Since I did not qualify to play but only for the trip I intend to keep trying! :hope
Absolutely mate, I can't see how they could say no to you. Good luck. :hope
Hope you had a good 'un :ok
Certainly did mate - superb. :ok
How big is it and when you posting the torrent? ;)
Oo-er! :$ It's long! ;) ... It's just over an hour long in total I think, but I'm not sure of the MB size - I'll have a look tonight. And also I'm afraid I wouldn't know how to post a torrent. But if you want to tell me how I'll give it a go if you like?
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

Got home yesterday and there waiting for me in the post was my DVD copy of the show I was in! Watched it last night and it's quite weird seeing myself on tele, but on the whole I don't think I disgraced myself any. The commentators seemed to agree and said I didn't really get any cards to play. As an aside, the pro in my heat - Perry Friedman - managed to win another qualifier to go again but they have said no. I feel a bit sorry for him cos at the dinner whilst over there they did say we could try and qualify again. But at least it's saved me wasting hours trying to qualify again!
Hodgey, do you know what Perry Friedman's Nickname is on Mansion? I beleive its in their Rules that you can only qualify once for the Poker Dome.
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

its there.6 people in it already...5000 starting chips and 3 qualify for vegas
It looks like this final will be an all nighter, it starts at 11pm Sunday and the blinds increase after 12, 15, 20 and 30 minutes. There is another qualifier at 1 pm today.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE I have just had this email from Mansion: Hi, Congratulations on making it as a Mansion Poker Dome Series Alternate. Just to clear some confusion, as you were an alternate you are able to still qualify as a Poker Dome Entrant. So if you liked what you received for being an Alternate and you wish to try again, feel free. We have just got through our first 6 weeks and we must congratulate Andrew Rogers for making it to the Final on March 17th, 2007. I hope you enjoyed your MANSION Poker Dome Experience. Cheers, Carlene Carlene Blake

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