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Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE


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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!!! Don't know what to say - "that's awesome" sounds so inadequate..... :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow First live game? Like me, you only play for the cameras :P Just don't go making any string bets........

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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE Cheers guys. :)

That is fantastic news. :nana :nana :nana I wonder why the guy who won it is unable to go and why he entered the tournament in the first place :unsure Hope it will be shown on a sky channel so we can all get to watch. If you win do you stay there for the semi final or do they fly you home and back again?
If and that's a big IF :lol I win, they fly me home and back out again in July for the semi final.
Quality...what was I saying the other day about a busy time for you at the moment! :lol Really chuffed for ya mate :dude
Damn right mate - things are really getting a bit hectic now! :lol
Well done Hodgey. Presumably they are flying you out Friday morning and back Sunday evening? You won't have time to get jet lagged mate. :loon
Yep, got the flight details through. Leave Friday Morning and leave Vegas on Sunday afternoon getting back here Monday morning. I'm still dancing round like this nana! :nana :nana :nana
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

You fly out this weekend Hodgey? Anyone know where we can see a live stream? Have checked the Fox web site, but no sign of one............
Yep, fly this Friday morning. The game is on Sat night and is shown on the Sunday. I've checked Fox Sport Network and Mansion sites but can't find a live stream. Hopefully I can get someone in either the US or Oz (I've been told Fox is an Oz network? :unsure ) to tape it for me.
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

Yep, fly this Friday morning. The game is on Sat night and is shown on the Sunday. I've checked Fox Sport Network and Mansion sites but can't find a live stream. Hopefully I can get someone in either the US or Oz (I've been told Fox is an Oz network? :unsure ) to tape it for me.
Hodgey, why not ask the Mansion/Fox people if its possible for you to receive a tape of your heat, as a momento?:ok Ovalman, it's looking like they have the qualifiers over the weekens 2 weeks before your heat (if you win).
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

yeah i see the $50 one but keep missing $500 one, whens that? oh right thought it was afternoon game sorry cheers guys
That one starts at 9(BST) and finishes after midnight. See Runa's post in yesterdays daily thread for the time of him posting his win. :ok
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE I have just been on the site, I thought I would play a sit and go table. The site is almost empty, no sit and go operating and no one registered for any of the empty tables. 18 players in ring game tables and 3 of those are in play money. I would have expected that after the poker dome tournament was shown on Fox that the site would have more traffic. :unsure

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