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Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE


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Guest gazza271

Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE Well done guys :clap :clap :clap I went out of the dome game in about 15th, One thing i did find strange was that although we were down to the last 2 tables the blinds were still only 600/300 :loon Thourougly enjoyed it and see you all back there tonight :ok

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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

Well done Colufc on 3rd in the $500 added :clap :clap :clap
Thanks Red. Once again, please accept my apologies for missing your chat to me but I was running 3 tables at once and didn't have time to look at the chat boxes (in fact, I didn't really know whether I was on my a**e or my elbow). ;) Hedonist - well done m8, sorry I didn't stay to watch the HU but I was totally knackered and went straight to bed. :ok
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

One thing i did find strange was that although we were down to the last 2 tables the blinds were still only 600/300
Gaz - I agree with you, it's a really nice structure on Mansion but when you get to the final table the blinds are still very small compared to the players' stacks. This means the final table does seem to take an inordinately long time. But, like you, I'll be back for more.
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE I agree about the small blinds, the game lasted 3 hours 45 minutes and there were only 118 starters. It took half an hour on the bubble to go from 19 players to 18. One thing you may have missed ColU, when you left I typed in the chat box, c u m8 but they took it as a swear word and altered it. :lol Love the sit, will be playing there again :ok

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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

I felt this deserved a thread of its own. 1c qualifiers running at differeing times daily (by the looks of it). First place wins a $7,000 package to Vegas for a TV tournament (looks very similar format to UK Open from last year ;) ). Last night had just 97 runners!!!!!!! 216 places up for grabs overall - I see no reason why we cant get around 50 PL'rs in each event (a 35% chance on last nights numbers!!) and 20 or 30 of us winning a Vegas package!!!!!!!! GET IN THERE PL!!!!!!!! Next freeroll is at 9pm tonight - download HERE to support PL.
Not sure if it's a fault at my end GAF but can't get this link to work. :unsure
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE Yeah - works fine for me too. Try copying and pasting rather than clicking? (Or click on the mansion ad at the top if you see it - it rotates, so if you don't see it at the moment, it might be there when you refresh)

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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

Hmmm....... don't seem to be any more qualifiers for this...... Wonder how the other 211 places will be filled? Satellites probably?
Might it just be that they're only holding these qualifiers at weekends? (He asked optimistically.)
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE Poker Dome Is Go This Weekend Finally, after much legal wrangling and questions about whether the project would ever get off the ground, FSN’s MansionPoker.net Poker Dome Challenge will finally air this weekend. In what is surely one the most audacious (not to mention slightly ridiculous) ideas for televised poker, players will sit enclosed in a soundproof glass dome, into which a live audience in downtown Las Vegas will be able to see the cards as they’re dealt. Players will not be able to see the audience, thanks to the fact that the dome itself is a big one way mirror. Having cobbled together a long line of commentators and analysts, including pro Mike Gracz, FSN will show six players each week battling to make it through to the semi finals, followed by the grand final. The top prize is $1 million. The show goes out this Sunday (May 28th) on the Fox Sports Network. It’s worth watching just to see how exactly the whole thing will work in practice.

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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE Err, I just received this from Mansion:

I am contacting you as you are a lucky winner of a seat to compete in the MANSIONPOKER.NET POKER DOME CHALLENGE (Conditions apply) Your POKER DOME experience is going to be filmed by FSN. You are going to be in Episode 2, to be filmed on June 3rd, going to air on June 4th. Good Luck and hope to see you at the Final.
Turns out the winner of the tourney I came 2nd in last week can't go, so I'm going instead!! :D
Your POKER DOME Experience includes- · Round Trip Air Transportation to Las Vegas · VIP Pick-up from Airport to Hotel · VIP Check-in at Caesars Palace (2 nights included Friday and Saturday) · Welcome VIP package in the room (champagne, mansion welcome wear) · $500.00 Casino Credit · Welcome Dinner and Introduction to the Poker Dome (Friday Night) · VIP Transportation to and from the Poker Dome (Saturday) · Daily meal credit at hotel · VIP transportation back to airport · Each winner at the Poker Dome will also receive a Mansionpoker.net Champion’s Varsity Jacket
I phoned the woman up in Vegas, and it's all go. I can't believe it!! :D :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana
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Guest gazza271

Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

Turns out the winner of the tourney I came 2nd in last week can't go, so I'm going instead!! :D I phoned the woman up in Vegas, and it's all go. I can't believe it!! :D :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana
Fantastic mate :clap :clap :clap
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

Blimey! Nice one, Hodgey! You know that in the Poker Dome they wire you up so the spectators can see your heart rate? Sounds absolutely terrifying! Not that I'm trying to scare you ...
Yeah I've just been reading about it! :unsure Also, I've never played live poker in my life before! I'm gonna be rubbish! :\ I might ask if I can play my hands on a laptop in another room! :lol
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE Your POKER DOME Experience includes- · Round Trip Air Transportation to Las Vegas · VIP Pick-up from Airport to Hotel · VIP Check-in at Caesars Palace (2 nights included Friday and Saturday) · Welcome VIP package in the room (champagne, mansion welcome wear) · $500.00 Casino Credit · Welcome Dinner and Introduction to the Poker Dome (Friday Night) · VIP Transportation to and from the Poker Dome (Saturday) · Daily meal credit at hotel · VIP transportation back to airport · Each winner at the Poker Dome will also receive a Mansionpoker.net Champion’s Varsity Jacket It's a great package and $500 for the casino.(Just whack it all on red) Nice one Hodgey.

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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

Yeah I've just been reading about it! :unsure Also, I've never played live poker in my life before! I'm gonna be rubbish! :\ I might ask if I can play my hands on a laptop in another room! :lol
:rollin Seriously though Hodgey, that is great news. Have a wonderful time and enjoy the experience. :ok
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE

Err, I just received this from Mansion: Turns out the winner of the tourney I came 2nd in last week can't go, so I'm going instead!! :D I phoned the woman up in Vegas, and it's all go. I can't believe it!! :D :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana
:notworthy:notworthyFantastic mate. :beer:beer:beer I wonder if the 24 who finished in front of me last night won't be able to make it either :rollin
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE Cheers guys. :)

Nice one Hodgey. One hell of a shock or what? AND you'll be back in time for thw WC!
Yes a massive shock! World Cup? Back in time for my wedding more like! Nothing like a smooth run up to the big day!! :lol
but your grinning perminantly atm!!!!!!!:clap :clap :clap :cow
Absoultely mate. I don't know what to do with myself. :loon Just waiting to hear back re flights etc now...
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Re: Mansion Poker Dome - HUGE VALUE That is fantastic news. :nana :nana :nana I wonder why the guy who won it is unable to go and why he entered the tournament in the first place :unsure Hope it will be shown on a sky channel so we can all get to watch. If you win do you stay there for the semi final or do they fly you home and back again?

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