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Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May

Sir Puntalot

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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May

omg a need a ciggie !
I'm just off out for some. Well done Mo. I know that getting to Vegas for a holiday would be a dream come true. To be there with the big boys.. I can only imagine. 36_1_25.gif4_6_4.gif4_1_105.gif How lucky are they going to be? They're going to get to sit down with the Moface. Congratulations. 36_1_55.gif
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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May Fantastic Mo!!!! :clap :clap :clap And well done to all 8 PL'rs on the final table. Also a big :welcome to "TheGrouch" who came out of the closet :clap :clap

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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May Well done Mo :clap :clap :clap a fantastic result, you're gonna have the best time in vegas ever....:loon :loon :loon I went out in about 40th, so not even close I'm afraid. But really pleased it was a PL-er that won...:notworthy :notworthy

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Guest gazza271

Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May Kin hell Mo, just finished work for a couple of weeks and catching up. FANFCUKING FANTASTIC :clap :clap :clap :clap Well done mate

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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May internets been down all day today :( as if i wasnt nervous enough!!!!! just got email confirming it i still cant take it all in just want to say a huuuuuuuuuuuuge thankyou to Paul Ross for giving us the oppertunity and virgin poker what a gesture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and also to ronay for helping with my blog , without which i may never have been able to play :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :nana p.s going for celebratory drink cant concentrate on anything else hehe (except boobs of course ;) )

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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May Hi guys, i came 4th in the freeroll "willzer84", heard u guys talking about this forum, thought id check it out being an active poker player. It looks a great forum, can see myself been a frequent poster! Great result MoFace, you played a great game and deserved it. Enjoy your trip and dont let the pro's bully ya!:tongue2 Good luck, Will

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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May

Hi guys, i came 4th in the freeroll "willzer84", heard u guys talking about this forum, thought id check it out being an active poker player. It looks a great forum, can see myself been a frequent poster! Great result MoFace, you played a great game and deserved it. Enjoy your trip and dont let the pro's bully ya!:tongue2 Good luck, Will
Hiya mate - can I be the first (on PL) to say; "What You Talkin' Bout Willis?" :sad :sad :sad Er..... :welcome to the PL. Please don't go cos of that.....some people actually have a sense of humour on here. As you can see I aren't one of them.:eyes Anyway, I'm glad you like what you see here, and well played ourself last night.:ok
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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May nice one mo :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap . no reason why you cant do well against the pro's(we probably play more hours than most of them:D )and even a cash in would be life changeing,so go out there do your best and good luck.

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