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Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May

Sir Puntalot

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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May

i know how to put them on the blog' date=' i just cant copy and paste it here to explain how to do it![/quote'] When you create the post look for the HTML button... Click that and then copy and paste this at the very end (for the bottom) or paste on the very top line (for the top) href="http://travis.bosscasinos.com/re.asp?name=POK&camp=blog&go=http://www.virginpoker.com">VirginPoker_468x60.gif Copy the whole lot Good Luck :ok
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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May I am using the tried and tested ''fookit'' method. Set up the basic blog, then didn't know what to do next so thought ''Fookit, I'll leave it till later''. Went back and got my picture on and a bit of writing, then couldn't get my profile right...so ''Fookit'' I'll come back later! I'll get there in the end, hopefully!

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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May Ok - a tip for those struggling. As far as Moface and I could tell, and I'm ready to be corrected, if you use blog.com you have to pay to have ads in your blog. On blogspot (like the one Legendkiller uses), you just need to be able to do a very small amount of html. Anyone needs my questionable expertise, you know where to find me. :ok

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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May

Ok - a tip for those struggling. As far as Moface and I could tell, and I'm ready to be corrected, if you use blog.com you have to pay to have ads in your blog. On blogspot (like the one Legendkiller uses), you just need to be able to do a very small amount of html. Anyone needs my questionable expertise, you know where to find me. :ok
So what your saying is the blog.com one which we have to use is no use unless we pay to put up the banners?:unsure
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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May

So what your saying is the blog.com one which we have to use is no use unless we pay to put up the banners?:unsure
As far as I could tell....:( http://gb.blog.com/pricing/ What do you think looking at that? After using this place I was ready to give up, then late last night I thought sod it - I'll try blogspot - that was a bit difficult, but not impossible. Gissa shout if you like and I'll talk you through it - if I can.:ok
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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May

valiant' date=' you banner isnt right, the hyperlink you have for the click through just takes you to a blank page witht he banner on it.[/quote']:cow :cow :cow :nana :nana :nana I done it good now! So good that I've forgotten English.:$
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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May I originally started my blog way back in December, this really is a work in progress..... I too am struggling to get the html up and running, any help in plain English?

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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May Also im having trouble linking pl to my blog. Did as it asked and went into templates found the edit me bit and put punterslounge link and republished but when i look at the edit me links under the google link it still says edit me. Goobledigook:wall

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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May Ok - first of all Gaf? and others are much better than I am at this, but I'm here and they're not.... If you like I can either talk you through it as I help Pocket Lady, or I can try and do a pictured step by step guide (which could take awhile). If you want live help - add Pocket Lady to your contacts in MSN, and I'll try and help at 15:30 to give people a chance to see this.

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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May I've got a blogger blog! I basically log in, click on the Templates tab and put the following HTML into it in the "div id = header" part.... OK THAT DIDN'T WORK AS IT JUST DISPLAYED THE ICONS!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how to just display the HTML code! >a href="http://travis.bosscasinos.com/re.asp?name=POK&camp=blog&go=http://www.virginpoker.com"img src="http://www.virgingames.com/banners/poker/affiliate/VirginPoker_468x60.gif" a href="http://www.punterslounge.com/forum"img src="http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/images/logo.gif" http://doobiebrothers.blogspot.com/

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Re: Virgin Poker Bloggers Tourny - WSOP 2006 seat - Deadline Midnight 10 May I would love to set one of these up - and play in the tourny but I fear I have as much chance of setting up one of those blogs as I have of hitching to the moon..... :( Anyone want to talk a div through how to do it?? :unsure

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