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**Poker Wednesday 3rd May**


**Poker Wednesday 3rd May**  

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    • 19:15 Jonny Texas Rebuy
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 poker.co.uk Guerilla Poker
    • 21:00 Sporting Odds PL May MTT League
    • 21:00 Sporting Odds $2,500 Freeroll
    • 21:15 Jonny Texas Freezeout
    • 21:30 Sporting Odds 50 Up

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 3rd May**

Ooh, you've not got the live Maxim tourney down on your list!!:lol GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY PLAYING :hope :dude :clap:nana :cow :notworthy :gimme :beer :cheers hopefully in that order!
That's a freeroll innit?:lol:lol:lol See you there tomorrow!!!
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Re: **Poker Wednesday 3rd May**

I will just be playing with my self in the SO PL league game :sad :sad :sad
she keeps doing this to us..........and its the innocence that makes it funny!:tongue2 Thanks Pene, i hope i get to play! See you on thursday!....this is the longest we have been apart sweetheart lol
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Re: **Poker Wednesday 3rd May**

Good luck all you guys in Maxim...:hope :clap :nana :hope :clap :nana :hope :clap :nana :cheers I will just be playing with my self in the SO PL league game :sad :sad :sad
Thanks Pen for the good wishes. BUT: Oh my oh my!. My dear Pene, you really are the mistress of the double entendres aren't you. (Intended or otherwise) I think you meant to say playing BY yourself. :loon I know that Scandinavians are an enlightened liberal, 21st Century bunch, but I hope you don't teach your charges the other one, especially on the internet!!!!. Their parents would DEFINITELY be complaining if you did. Would be certain to make the front page of the Danish Newspapers too!!!!!!
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Re: **Poker Wednesday 3rd May**

I will just be playing with my self in the SO PL league game
U u u u u u can I watch it please? Or I can bring some toys :tongue2. All Maxim guys, have a great day and plenty of fun :beer. You well and truly deserve that day, if not only for your patience :notworthy :notworthy.
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Re: **Poker Wednesday 3rd May**

Good luck all you guys in Maxim...:hope :clap :nana :hope :clap :nana :hope :clap :nana :cheers I will just be playing with my self in the SO PL league game :sad :sad :sad
No you won't Pene, I can play with you if you like:loon
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Re: **Poker Wednesday 3rd May**

Thanks Pen for the good wishes. BUT: Oh my oh my!. My dear Pene, you really are the mistress of the double entendres aren't you. (Intended or otherwise) I think you meant to say playing BY yourself. :loon I know that Scandinavians are an enlightened liberal, 21st Century bunch, but I hope you don't teach your charges the other one, especially on the internet!!!!. Their parents would DEFINITELY be complaining if you did. Would be certain to make the front page of the Danish Newspapers too!!!!!!
Jesus Christ... I am going to stop posting in this Forum... I keep embarrassing myself... :$ :$ :$ :$ :$ :$ ...or maybe not posting late at night... I must be too tired for proper English and make the translations directly from Danish into English... Well... I know... no explaining will help getting me out of this mess... :unsure Anyway... thank you all very much for the quality time spent inhere... I am going to learn how to write in English...and then maybe come back when I've learnt :wall :wall XX Pene
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Re: **Poker Wednesday 3rd May**

Jesus Christ... I am going to stop posting in this Forum... I keep embarrassing myself... :$ :$ :$ :$ :$ :$ ...or maybe not posting late at night... I must be too tired for proper English and make the translations directly from Danish into English... Well... I know... no explaining will help getting me out of this mess... :unsure Anyway... thank you all very much for the quality time spent inhere... I am going to learn how to write in English...and then maybe come back when I've learnt :wall :wall XX Pene
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Re: **Poker Wednesday 3rd May** 3rd break and i'm being called every name under the sun.due to this lovely play. Hand #287111014 at table: PokerPlayer $1000 FR Started: Wed May 03 23:04:24 2006 VlimVlim is at seat 1 with 65923.00 quidzin is at seat 2 with 27928.00 Rich1619 is at seat 3 with 33180.00 alexross is at seat 4 with 24190.00 yeschman is at seat 5 with 38002.00 kevshat2 is at seat 6 with 43030.00 Leeroy16 is at seat 7 with 28260.00 smudgie is at seat 8 with 21232.00 MrKitty is at seat 9 with 14455.00 PetrCech is at seat 10 with 8200.00 alexross posts the large blind 2400.00 Rich1619 posts the small blind 1200.00 Rich1619: --, -- alexross: --, -- yeschman: --, -- kevshat2: --, -- Leeroy16: --, -- smudgie: --, -- MrKitty: 3d, 6d PetrCech: --, -- VlimVlim: --, -- quidzin: --, -- Pre-flop: yeschman: Fold kevshat2: Fold Leeroy16: Fold smudgie: Fold MrKitty: Raise 7200.00 PetrCech: Fold VlimVlim: Fold quidzin: Raise 14400.00 Rich1619: Fold alexross: Fold MrKitty: All in quidzin: Call 14455.00 Showdown: quidzin shows: Jc, Qs (high card, Queen) Flop (Board: 4h, 6c, 3c): Turn (Board: 4h, 6c, 3c, 10s): River (Board: 4h, 6c, 3c, 10s, Ac): MrKitty shows: 3d, 6d (two pair, Sixes and Threes) Mainpot: MrKitty wins the pot of 32510 with two pair, Sixes and Threes (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) Mr Ross would be fumin. 6 players left and iv half the stack of the chip leader.

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 3rd May**

3rd break and i'm being called every name under the sun.due to this lovely play. Hand #287111014 at table: PokerPlayer $1000 FR Started: Wed May 03 23:04:24 2006 VlimVlim is at seat 1 with 65923.00 quidzin is at seat 2 with 27928.00 Rich1619 is at seat 3 with 33180.00 alexross is at seat 4 with 24190.00 yeschman is at seat 5 with 38002.00 kevshat2 is at seat 6 with 43030.00 Leeroy16 is at seat 7 with 28260.00 smudgie is at seat 8 with 21232.00 MrKitty is at seat 9 with 14455.00 PetrCech is at seat 10 with 8200.00 alexross posts the large blind 2400.00 Rich1619 posts the small blind 1200.00 Rich1619: --, -- alexross: --, -- yeschman: --, -- kevshat2: --, -- Leeroy16: --, -- smudgie: --, -- MrKitty: 3d, 6d PetrCech: --, -- VlimVlim: --, -- quidzin: --, -- Pre-flop: yeschman: Fold kevshat2: Fold Leeroy16: Fold smudgie: Fold MrKitty: Raise 7200.00 PetrCech: Fold VlimVlim: Fold quidzin: Raise 14400.00 Rich1619: Fold alexross: Fold MrKitty: All in quidzin: Call 14455.00 Showdown: quidzin shows: Jc, Qs (high card, Queen) Flop (Board: 4h, 6c, 3c): Turn (Board: 4h, 6c, 3c, 10s): River (Board: 4h, 6c, 3c, 10s, Ac): MrKitty shows: 3d, 6d (two pair, Sixes and Threes) Mainpot: MrKitty wins the pot of 32510 with two pair, Sixes and Threes (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) Mr Ross would be fumin. 6 players left and iv half the stack of the chip leader.
Ahh, so that was you! I thought it was great !
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Re: **Poker Wednesday 3rd May** Well done mate :clap :clap :clap Don't spose you want to share some of your ....ahem...... "strategic thinking" with that hand do you? Spose your M is 4 - so can be justified by Harrington.......:unsure

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 3rd May** Well Gaf i was on me arse and i think he had folded a lot of hands so i went for a steal(oops)his reraise caught me out and I had only wanted to get some money to join the interforum.My job was done so i thought if i've 2 live cards iv nowt to lose and called the all in.A bluff that went wrong,then unbelivable cards(which i deserved:lol ) No it was pure luck tiredness and $10 to play the forum games.

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