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May need sub at short notice for Team South


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Team South might need a sub at short notice for tonights team poker i have not had confirmation from Gazza that he can play and im just about to go out for a couple of hours Is anyone prepared to step in at very short notice if Gaaazzzzza cant play first post here gets first shout if needed thanks

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Re: May need sub at short notice for Team South

Team South might need a sub at short notice for tonights team poker i have not had confirmation from Gazza that he can play and im just about to go out for a couple of hours Is anyone prepared to step in at very short notice if Gaaazzzzza cant play first post here gets first shout if needed thanks
Try Hedonist or Gizdalord mate :ok
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Re: May need sub at short notice for Team South Thanks If Gaazza doesnt show and you are available i will PM you the password just before kick off

I have registered for another tournament which starts at 8. If I am out of that tournament by 9 then I will be interested in playing but hope I will still be playing :ok
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