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Poker Player Grand Prix - 1st May ?????


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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix - 1st May ????? I'm also out very early, my QQ running into pocket aces. Played poorly despite that - I blame the crying child upstairs demanding my attention but that is just not true, I just played s**t. To make matters worse the wife is still in!!!!

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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix - 1st May ????? Comments by daftpegasus pretty much apply here too - although no child to distract me and AvonGirl not playing. Same as in the BlueSq freeroll this morning - just don't have the necessary patience sometimes and let myself get affected by pairing Q's on the flop but beaten by K's on the river because someone won't let go of AK (in hindsight my raises weren't big enough but I don't think he'd have folded regardless !) Even not being able to say goodbye properly on betfair after you are out pisses me off ! I hope to do better in tonight's PL tourney to help set me up for London on wednesday :hope

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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix - 1st May ?????

oh and from k_unknown and shafty. they said they dont know if points will count!!! prize money and 1st place seat gtd though
SOunds reasonable enough to me - was clearly not supposed to happen - so we have got an extra low entry $1k freeroll - but would be totally unfair on those not there for points to be awarded......
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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix - 1st May ????? Damn it, damn it, damn it. I even checked the mag this morning to make sure of the date. Not fair - been packing flat all day where there's no pc come home to find I've missed out. Gonna sulk now :cry

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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix - 1st May ?????

im out ' date=' 42 , didnt really go above starting chips. and yet again , mikes still im , i wont hear the end of it now[/quote']Sorry Lou - I desperately tried to knock him out. ;) Anyhow as I got moved to P-Lady's table I'm spending my time watching the football and searching for 'twiddling-thumb' smilies.
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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix - 1st May ????? Damm - nh pene Game #2222886384: Hold'em NL (400/800) - 2006/05/01 - 21:16:17 (GMT) Table "PP Grand Prix 2471082 - 1" Seat 1 is the button. Seat 1: derbyred (4710 in chips) Seat 2: Penelopey (6850 in chips) Seat 3: Shafty78 (16800 in chips) Seat 4: t1t0zz (3265 in chips) Seat 5: Jamiebhoy (6190 in chips) Seat 6: Colch-Kev (9207.50 in chips) Seat 7: meeko (19130 in chips) Seat 8: Valiant23 (10200 in chips) Penelopey: posts the ante 100 Shafty78: posts the ante 100 t1t0zz: posts the ante 100 Jamiebhoy: posts the ante 100 Colch-Kev: posts the ante 100 meeko: posts the ante 100 Valiant23: posts the ante 100 derbyred: posts the ante 100 Penelopey: posts small blind 400 Shafty78: posts big blind 800 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to derbyred [Qd Qh] t1t0zz: folds Jamiebhoy: folds Colch-Kev: folds meeko: raises to 1600 Valiant23: folds derbyred: raises to 4610 and is all-in Penelopey: raises to 6750 and is all-in Shafty78: folds meeko: calls 5150 ----- FLOP ----- [Ah 5s Js] ----- TURN ----- [Ah 5s Js][Ac] ----- RIVER ----- [Ah 5s Js Ac][4c] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Penelopey: shows [Jh Jc] (A Full House, Jacks full of Aces) meeko: shows [Kc Jd] (Two Pairs, Aces and Jacks, King high) derbyred: shows [Qd Qh] (Two Pairs, Aces and Queens, Jack high) Penelopey collects 4280 from Side pot #1 Penelopey collects 15430 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 19710 Main pot 15430 Side pot #1 4280 | Rake 0 Board [Ah 5s Js Ac 4c] Seat 1: derbyred (button) showed [Qd Qh] and lost Seat 2: Penelopey (small blind) showed [Jh Jc] and won (19710) with A Full House, Jacks full of Aces Seat 3: Shafty78 (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: t1t0zz folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Jamiebhoy folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Colch-Kev folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: meeko showed [Kc Jd] and lost Seat 8: Valiant23 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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