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poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 4 - Monday 15th May 21:15 BST


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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 4 - Monday 15th May 21:15 BST In while doing worksheets and a Year 11 quiz (getting rid of them tomorrow!!) so apologies for not chatting much. Who am I kidding? Will spend all evening talking to Val about Hector Sam and screw the school stuff!!

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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 4 - Monday 15th May 21:15 BST Stoopid game - I hate it!!! First off a huge error, when I folded KK - really believed I was behind........but I wasn't.

Hand #299700659 at table: PuntersLounge League Started: Mon May 15 21:37:47 2006 PLe4sby is at seat 1 with 1865.00 hagerty is at seat 2 with 1830.00 Hyperman is at seat 3 with 1755.00 jollybhoy7 is at seat 4 with 1960.00 lillelars3 is at seat 5 with 1625.00 the croc is at seat 6 with 2640.00 MCFC69 is at seat 7 with 2030.00 Telepe1 is at seat 8 with 2105.00 teaulcsg1 is at seat 9 with 2145.00 lillelars3 posts the large blind 30.00 jollybhoy7 posts the small blind 15.00 jollybhoy7: --, -- lillelars3: --, -- the croc: --, -- MCFC69: --, -- Telepe1: Kc, Kd teaulcsg1: --, -- PLe4sby: --, -- hagerty: --, -- Hyperman: --, -- Pre-flop: the croc: Fold MCFC69: Fold Telepe1: Raise 120.00 teaulcsg1: Fold PLe4sby: Fold hagerty: Fold Hyperman: Call 120.00 jollybhoy7: Call 120.00 lillelars3: Fold Flop (Board: 6s, 7c, 9c): jollybhoy7: Bet 200.00 Telepe1: Raise 520.00 Hyperman: Fold jollybhoy7: All in Telepe1: Fold
Jollybhoy then showed JJ. Then I got outdrawn. Wouldn't usually play AA with 9 kicker that aggressively, but given previous hands, was pretty confident I was ahead. (and indeed had my opponent on the flush draw.....)
Hand #299706738 at table: PuntersLounge League Started: Mon May 15 21:41:45 2006 PLe4sby is at seat 1 with 1865.00 hagerty is at seat 2 with 2005.00 Hyperman is at seat 3 with 1635.00 jollybhoy7 is at seat 4 with 2765.00 lillelars3 is at seat 5 with 1655.00 the croc is at seat 6 with 2585.00 MCFC69 is at seat 7 with 1855.00 Telepe1 is at seat 8 with 1415.00 teaulcsg1 is at seat 9 with 2145.00 Telepe1 posts the large blind 50.00 MCFC69 posts the small blind 25.00 MCFC69: --, -- Telepe1: 9s, As teaulcsg1: --, -- PLe4sby: --, -- hagerty: --, -- Hyperman: --, -- jollybhoy7: --, -- lillelars3: --, -- the croc: --, -- Pre-flop: teaulcsg1: Fold PLe4sby: Fold hagerty: Fold Hyperman: Fold jollybhoy7: Fold lillelars3: Fold the croc: Call 50.00 MCFC69: Fold Telepe1: Raise 200.00 the croc: Call 200.00 Flop (Board: 2h, 7h, Ac): Telepe1: Bet 250.00 the croc: Call 250.00 Turn (Board: 2h, 7h, Ac, Js): Telepe1: All in the croc: Call 1015.00 Showdown: the croc shows: 10h, Qh (high card, Ace) Telepe1 shows: 9s, As (a pair of Aces) River (Board: 2h, 7h, Ac, Js, 6h): the croc shows: 10h, Qh (flush to the Queen) Mainpot: the croc wins the pot of 2955 with flush to the Queen (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)
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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 4 - Monday 15th May 21:15 BST get one decent hand all night K/K and i have to run into A/A :wall :wall :wall out in 28th and was comfortable,i dunno what i gotta do anymore,,,play all the right hands and still get mullered:cry feeling very sorry for myself now,,a stiff bacardi i think is needed:beer good luck to all left in :ok

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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 4 - Monday 15th May 21:15 BST Well the 89 held up twice to get me back in the game but not the 3rd time.Ended up against gazza and even with trip 9's for me his trip 5's(knew they would come back to haunt me) make the full house.Good game and good fun.Gl all left.

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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 4 - Monday 15th May 21:15 BST Out in 19th... my TT met AK...and the rest is history... :eyes Anyway... I have NEVER seen that many TT's, JJ's, QQ's, KK's and AA's in 1 tourney :eek :eek :eek I myself had QQ 3 times, KK 1 time and TT twice... and still out :unsure :tongue2

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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 4 - Monday 15th May 21:15 BST

Out early (again).:wall Ran into software problems, ie it dealt me the 2nd best hand each time I came up against Avongirl. GL all.
:$ sorry team mate. Bit of a roller coaster ride for me tonight. Down but not quite out with my tripQs losing to Mr Vs flush. Played alot better after I got moved from next to Run, having given him enough of my chips (and he still couldn't finish above me). :lol Finally out to 2 lots of KK when my 99 didn't hit (odds in my favour there I think!) Happy with 9th, should push me up the table abit more. :D
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