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King Kong


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Hi all, I just wanted to shoW you this hand and see how you would have plaYed it. The person I went head to head against had been getting really angry at me at the table for a few previous hands as I hit an Ace on the river while holding AQ suited. Anyway, this hand was a few later and I am 'Taylor 407'. He went on a tirade after the hand saying I should have folded his initial raise because I only had two outs etc.. Just wanted to know how you would have played it. Thanks in advance...

Apr 30 10:37:36] : Hand Start.
[Apr 30 10:37:36] : Seat 1 : DublThistle has $73.85
[Apr 30 10:37:36] : Seat 2 : Taylor 407 has $138.86
[Apr 30 10:37:36] : Seat 3 : Dobie2525 has $149.75
[Apr 30 10:37:36] : Seat 4 : eloh34 has $352.39
[Apr 30 10:37:36] : Seat 5 : EPKCIBOL has $235
[Apr 30 10:37:36] : Seat 6 : hech123 has $100.68
[Apr 30 10:37:36] : DublThistle is the dealer.
[Apr 30 10:37:38] : Taylor 407 posted small blind.
[Apr 30 10:37:39] : Dobie2525 posted big blind.
[Apr 30 10:37:39] : Game [38318] started with 6 players.
[Apr 30 10:37:39] : Dealing Hole Cards.
[Apr 30 10:37:39] : Seat 2 : Taylor 407 has Ks Kh
[Apr 30 10:37:41] : eloh34 folded.
[Apr 30 10:37:44] : EPKCIBOL folded.
[Apr 30 10:37:21] : hech123 called $2 and raised $5
[Apr 30 10:37:22] : DublThistle folded.
[Apr 30 10:37:23] : Taylor 407 called $6 and raised $5
[Apr 30 10:37:27] : Dobie2525 folded.
[Apr 30 10:37:40] : hech123 called $5
[Apr 30 10:37:40] : Dealing flop.
[Apr 30 10:37:40] : Board cards [Kd 6c 2s]
[Apr 30 10:37:44] : Taylor 407 bet $2
[Apr 30 10:38:19] : hech123 called $2 and raised $16
[Apr 30 10:38:21] : Taylor 407 called $16 and raised $108.86 and is All-in
[Apr 30 10:38:22] : hech123 called $70.68 and is All-in
[Apr 30 10:38:23] : Showdown!
[Apr 30 10:38:23] : Seat 2 : Taylor 407 has Ks Kh
[Apr 30 10:38:25] : Seat 2 : Taylor 407 has Ks Kh
[Apr 30 10:38:25] : Seat 6 : hech123 has Ac As
[Apr 30 10:38:30] : Board cards [Kd 6c 2s 4c 2c]
[Apr 30 10:38:30] : Seat 2 : Taylor 407 has Ks Kh
[Apr 30 10:38:30] : Taylor 407 has Full House : Kings full of 2s
[Apr 30 10:38:30] : Seat 6 : hech123 has Ac As
[Apr 30 10:38:30] : hech123 has Two Pair: Aces and 2s
[Apr 30 10:38:30] : Taylor 407 wins $200.36 with Full House : Kings full of 2s
[Apr 30 10:38:34] : hech123 : 2 outs again
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Re: King Kong He doesn't know what he's talking about. Pre-flop, he merely called your re-raise, he gave no indication to you by this action that he had Aces. Therefore his comment about you having only 2 outs is irrelevant as you had to assume (wrongly) that you were ahead before you hit your set. Then, with your all-in re-raise, it was your opponent who could have/should have folded. This is a great example of someone not able to lay down Aces. Well played.:ok

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Re: King Kong He's wrong anyway - you also had the top heart as well..:tongue2 Lets face it - no matter whether its cash, STT, or MTT when you get AA you want callers. Once a flop is shown you only have 2 cards out of the 5 in play, so whilst he can be annoyed that his AA walked into trips it didn't matter whether to his hand whether it was trip 6's 4's or king's.

[Apr 30 10:37:39] : Dealing Hole Cards.
[Apr 30 10:37:39] : Seat 2 : Taylor 407 has Ks Kh
[Apr 30 10:37:41] : eloh34 folded.
[Apr 30 10:37:44] : EPKCIBOL folded.
[Apr 30 10:37:21] : hech123 called $2 and raised $5
[Apr 30 10:37:22] : DublThistle folded.
[Apr 30 10:37:23] : Taylor 407 called $6 and raised $5
[Apr 30 10:37:27] : Dobie2525 folded.
[Apr 30 10:37:40] : hech123 called $5
That (imo) was where he indicated he was happy to have you on board. You indicated some strength by a re-raise, so why didn't he try another raise to see what he was up against, especially as he was ahead at this point? Surely if he had made another, say $10 raise then you would have been wary pre-flop (of course you'd have called it, I assume). It would have also warned him that you had a good hand and to consider QQ or KK as a possibility.
[Apr 30 10:37:40] : Board cards [Kd 6c 2s]
[Apr 30 10:37:44] : Taylor 407 bet $2
[Apr 30 10:38:19] : hech123 called $2 and raised $16
[Apr 30 10:38:21] : Taylor 407 called $16 and raised $108.86 and is All-in
At this point he was the one with 2 outs and surely by his logic HE should have folded.:lol A lengthy way Equinoxx, of saying he was a knob and enjoy spending his $$$ laying Indy next year.:lol :lol :lol btw - You can balls if you think I'm deleting ALL of this to replace it with, "I agree with eltrev" - he was just quicker typing.;)
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Re: King Kong Always nasty when hands like KK run into AA. Someones always going to lose a big chunk of their stack! I agree with V though, after your re-raised he should have re-re-raised you again for a large amount (or even all-in). Would you have called him pre-flop if had re-re-raised all in (or raised for say $30+ more)?

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Re: King Kong i THINK I would have called him if he had went all-in preflop because I had wound him up a bit by hitting the river in that earlier hand after doing a dark tunnel bluff. I would have thought he was going with any kind of pair or high suited cards to scare me off. As for 'laying Indy' You wait Mr V. This is the year!!!!

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Re: King Kong I can't remember who said "All those players who tell you they know when they're up against AA, and lay KK down have one thing in common - they're lying!" but I'd have to agree with them. With the hand you had pre-flop, you had to figure yourself to be ahead - if you worry about AA everytime someone raises you'll go broke.

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Re: King Kong seems perfectly well played to me- u reraised him PF and he called, hoping to trap you - and he got his wish, all in on the flop, because he didn't put you on KK and was blinded by his aces can't see how you could have played it different Nice one :clap :clap :clap Damo

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Re: King Kong Thanks for all your responses. Now, I managed to cut and put together his reaction;

Apr 30 10:38:34] : hech123 : 2 outs again
[Apr 30 10:38:35] : hech123 : u r good
[Apr 30 10:38:39] : hech123 : he wants to buy the lottery this guy [Apr 30 10:39:23] : Taylor 407 : sorry???? Apr 30 10:39:30] : Taylor 407 : what the hell are u on about? [Apr 30 10:39:34] : hech123 : u wanna buy the lottery [Apr 30 10:39:41] : hech123 : i had aa [Apr 30 10:39:43] : hech123 : u had 2 outs Apr 30 10:39:27] : hech123 : can i make it more simple? [Apr 30 10:39:38] : Taylor 407 : u arent making any sense dude
[Apr 30 10:39:38] : hech123 : u were like 20-1 again
[Apr 30 10:39:43] : Taylor 407 : i hit trips
[Apr 30 10:40:21] : hech123 : o man idiots like u deserve to lose
[Apr 30 10:40:22] : Taylor 407 : no i wasnt
Apr 30 10:40:45] : hech123 : 3 chances to hit
[Apr 30 10:41:03] : hech123 : ok 10-1
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