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Criticism about me & Kev on PokerNightLive

Sir Puntalot

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Re: Criticism about me & Kev on PokerNightLive We've all lost with AA, in theory it has a 88% chance against a random hand, but I've lost plenty of times, mostly to three 2's. While I agree with GaF, I'd have played it, but only to a max of 10% of chips, if I was putting a short stack all in, to ensure victiry. If I lost I'd fold everything from that point on. Even a second set of rockets and let someone else do it.

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Re: Criticism about me & Kev on PokerNightLive GAFs points are pretty much correct. If you want to win as in 1st then fair enough but its not real anyway in these things when youve all qualified for something. In my experience everyone pretty much goes all in every hand anyway cos placings mean nothing once you reach final 10.

I was 30k and in 2nd, BB and I get raised by a guy 3 to my right with 11k, I have K9. Now the table was ridiculously tight at this stage and any raise was folding everyone. I put him on a small/middle pair because surely he should be all in otherwise?
If he had 1k I can see the appeal but 11k will be a serious dent in your stack if you lose an all in to this guy, not worth the risk one bit. K9 is an ideal example of a marginal hand. The reason he raises so small is because he wants action not because he is weak. Thats a massive tell on a big hand. Always look out for a min raise, 90% of the time is a monster, very big tell to look for. Thats something you can remember for general poker play and learn from, itll save you good money.
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Re: Criticism about me & Kev on PokerNightLive

GAFs points are pretty much correct. If you want to win as in 1st then fair enough but its not real anyway in these things when youve all qualified for something. In my experience everyone pretty much goes all in every hand anyway cos placings mean nothing once you reach final 10.
I agree that is normally the case but as we thought it was going to be on TV it was played out as a normal tourney. Even so, as I said in my explanation piece, I'm not that experienced in the latter stages of tournaments and here was a chance for some practice which I took advantage of.
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Re: Criticism about me & Kev on PokerNightLive Fair play mate. With your AJ hand I dont think you did anything wrong there btw if it was so little risk. Maybe the shortstacks call you with QQ or KK and you spike an Ace anyway then everyone loves you :lol I was more interested on commenting on PRs hand tbh as in all honesty that hand should be laid down, regardless of whether you want to win, as there was a big tell the guy has a monster hand that you want to be folding too. You gotta love the supreme tense tightness of a tournament bubble like that, nothing beats it for seat of the pants action.

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Re: Criticism about me & Kev on PokerNightLive Came back to this thread, not going to say anything about Kev's play other than playing the hand and playing the tournement isn't always the same thing, but I don't understand the way Paul played. K9, suited or otherwise is marginal hand, play it late position if there is not a lot of action would be my take on it. If someone playing before me raises preflop in a tournement situation, 99 times from 100 I'm putting those cards down. Even on my big blind, towards the end of a tourney large stacked, if I can check to the flop with K9 fine, otherwise I'd fold. What I don't grasp is Pauls apparent need to defend his blinds. In the grand scheme of things, it's dog food. Let him have it. Sit back and watch them fight for it. I agree the guy who raised played poorly, shorted stacked at the bubble, holding KK, it's a no brainer; push all in. A double up will most likely see you coast through, you're as well to go out with a good hand, as have to push all in with a marginal hand later when the blinds are hurting. Having said all that, here's my question to Paul, If the guy had pushed all in with his 11K, would you have called or folded ??

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Re: Criticism about me & Kev on PokerNightLive He'd have called in an instant.:ok I know because I've seen PR play several times - aggressive player imo. What Mrmuzeman said about the villains weak pre-flop raise is true, it is a request for chips in the pot. Being short stacked you want to at least double through with a premium hand such as KK, but ideally you want AK, AQ, and JJ in there and catch a K on the flop. Which is why he may have had action had he gone all in (portraying a weak pr or AK or A mid-kicker).

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Re: Criticism about me & Kev on PokerNightLive

Having said all that, here's my question to Paul, If the guy had pushed all in with his 11K, would you have called or folded ??
I would have folded no question. :ok I saw it as a steal and wasn't allowing him to get away with it. :ok
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Re: Criticism about me & Kev on PokerNightLive

The reason he raises so small is because he wants action not because he is weak. Thats a massive tell on a big hand. Always look out for a min raise, 90% of the time is a monster, very big tell to look for. Thats something you can remember for general poker play and learn from, itll save you good money.
Yes he may want action, but he may also try to be stealing, either way he didn't have enough chips to justify playing poker with a stack 3 times his. His only call was to go all in, how stupid would he have looked if I had a weak ace and flopped a rocket?
If you want to win as in 1st then fair enough but its not real anyway in these things when youve all qualified for something. In my experience everyone pretty much goes all in every hand anyway cos placings mean nothing once you reach final 10.
It was played out properly because it was on tv, otherwise I agree.
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Re: Criticism about me & Kev on PokerNightLive

Ok, me and kev qualified for the $200 seat on PNL last night and Kev in particular got some harsh criticism. Kev was big chip leader (45k) by about 22k and they were criticising him for raising with AJ, saying he shouldn't get involved as there 10 to qualify and only 11 left. They even went as far as to say he should fold AA which is hilarious. Complete nonsense and unjustified criticism. :ok
Why make it easier for people to qualify? He was a big chip leader. You always play to become number one, qualifying tourney or not. If everyone keeps folding the tourney is as boring as a cow on a sunny day. He just kept the tourney alive, if someone has a good hand but afraid to call so he could become number 11 and not qualify, then just fold. Or be a man and call it. I bet 8 other people were hoping Kev could kick someone out of the tourney so they would qualify so it's both ways. But that's just my opinion!
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Re: Criticism about me & Kev on PokerNightLive

Why make it easier for people to qualify? He was a big chip leader. You always play to become number one, qualifying tourney or not. If everyone keeps folding the tourney is as boring as a cow on a sunny day. He just kept the tourney alive, if someone has a good hand but afraid to call so he could become number 11 and not qualify, then just fold. Or be a man and call it. I bet 8 other people were hoping Kev could kick someone out of the tourney so they would qualify so it's both ways. But that's just my opinion!
Well I suppose it comes down to why you play poker. There are 2 types of player - "social" players who want to get involved and "play", even if it's not the optimal play - they play for enjoyment more than the winning. Then there are the players who try and win at all costs - even if it means playing tight "boring" poker. Me? I get my pleasure from trying to be "number 1" (over time - not one offs) - so I am definitely in category 2 and will eeek out every small advantage I can - even if it means I have to play fold, fold, fold, fold, fold ......
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