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The Poker Night in Leeds (May 19th) - Setup? Need Chips!

Sir Puntalot

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Re: The Poker Night in Leeds (May 19th) - Setup? Need Chips! Paul it looks like you have nearly sorted this out. Have chips with valus of 25, 50, 100 and 500. I think Will bring them on Friday as a backup and you can use them if required. See you Friday

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Re: The Poker Night in Leeds (May 19th) - Setup? Need Chips! Hi Guys Wish we were nearer so we could come to this!!! Dan and Jar haven't been on a PL outing yet and although we're working until 4pn ish, we'd love to come and play poker in the evening, but getting up there and the cost of a hotel for the night is gonna make it a bit expensive.... Paul - Just out of curiosity, how much are rooms at the hotel? Cheers, Jar

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Re: The Poker Night in Leeds (May 19th) - Setup? Need Chips!

Hi Guys Wish we were nearer so we could come to this!!! Dan and Jar haven't been on a PL outing yet and although we're working until 4pn ish, we'd love to come and play poker in the evening, but getting up there and the cost of a hotel for the night is gonna make it a bit expensive.... Paul - Just out of curiosity, how much are rooms at the hotel? Cheers, Jar
Jar, no such thing as too far... I ruined that excuse for everybody :ok :ok
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Re: The Poker Night in Leeds - Setup?

Rosco, You can come to the poker game no sweat - do you need a room? (Paid for by PL) :ok Moface - room no problem, PM me your full name again please. :ok Robilar - You can come to the poker game no sweat - do you need a room? (Paid for by PL) :ok Rosco/Morl - what are the values on the chips you have, need to make sure we've got all the chips we need or I may need to get more. :ok
jarjar pm Paul with your details ASAP. :ok
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Re: The Poker Night in Leeds (May 19th) - Setup? Need Chips! I can't do that. I have only been a member of PL for a couple of months and don't think I have contributed much really, so I wouldn't dream of asking for a paid room. Thinking about it seriously, its my 30th !!! :cry birthday party on Saturday and we have a number of people arriving at about 2pm, so we wouldn't be able to make a great weekend of it anyway. We will deffo be up for the next one though :ok

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Re: The Poker Night in Leeds (May 19th) - Setup? Need Chips! Very good of you jarjar not to "expect" an all expenses paid trip, I have noticed that you have been contributing to PL more and more (this place either grabs you instantly and your hooked or it grows and grows on you :lol). Will look forward to seeing you next time then, and hope you have a great birthday party/weekend. :ok

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Re: The Poker Night in Leeds (May 19th) - Setup? Need Chips! Hi Pocketlady Yep, I love this site, its fab. Great tournaments and great people - I met a load of people from PL at the Maxim KoP and it was so nice to put faces to names. When I said contributed, I meant financially. Don't some of the tourny entres go towards hotels, etc? I haven't been able to play in a lot of them due to running 'Live Poker League' events every Tuesday and Thursday - and all the tournies seem to be on a Tuesday or Thursday, like the one tonight with Virgin - I'm gutted at missing that, especially as I thought it was on Wednesday.... lol Will deffo be putting our names down for the next trip, and don't mind paying for it then either.... it will be a blast to meet up and play some poker.

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Re: The Poker Night in Leeds (May 19th) - Setup? Need Chips! Hey Jarjar. These social gatherings are paid for by PuntersLounge as much as possible. The way you 'contribute' financially is by using PL's affiliate links when you download a site. PL gets revenues from this, which goes into its coffers to help keep it running. PR decides when we can afford these things, and then organises almost everything, we just say where and when and turn up really. I really am beginning to wonder if the bloke ever sleeps... :unsure

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Re: The Poker Night in Leeds (May 19th) - Setup? Need Chips! Thats really cool..... I never used to download my links from here (as I didn't know about this place obviously), but since I've been a member I've downloaded all my links from here, so I hope I'm helping a little.

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