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Dream Poker Raked Hands


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Hi Dudes i qualified for the dream poker dirty dozen final yesterday I need to play 25 raked hand to be allowed to enter the final Progress seems to be very slow played for about 1/2 hour and only got 2 raked hands i was on the 5/10c no limit tables and played a fair few hands The pots were not great but most were raked 5 - 10 c what am i doing wrong ? Does the rake need to be higher for it to count as a raked hands

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Re: Dream Poker Raked Hands morl - $1/$2 is a HUGE step up for someone more used to 5c/10c - especially if it's no limit (you ought to be sitting down with $200 at that level!!!) - yes you get the raked hands quicker, BUT caution needs to be observed that getting them doesn't cost you more than the prize you are trying to achieve is worth!!!! Raked hands definition from the site "* A raked hand is defined as any hand in which the player has made a contribution to the pot and the hand is raked"

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Re: Dream Poker Raked Hands Got this from the website That means that a maximun of 360 players will be playing for the Grand Prize of $6000. Non-depositors who qualify have 3 days to deposit at least $20 and play 25 raked hands before they can claim their seat. i have had no email but thought id better get the rakes hands just in case Do you have to contribute to the pot to get a raked hand or just get delt cards ?

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Re: Dream Poker Raked Hands Agreed GaF, i was also playing the 5c/10c blinds, and found i wasnt getting enough raked hands, and also people playing/betting/calling with nothing, as its a cheap call. Philossify advised me to step up a bit as higher stakes, generally means less chancers and more skill involved as opposed to luck. It did work for me, but other players stacks were huge, which in itself is a little daunting, but as long as you aint an idiot, (most players on PL are decent enough) you should hold your own.......but only do it if you can afford to play that level, i cant usually, but i thought id give it a try I was also a previous depositor, so never received the raked hands email for the dirty dozen, as id already got enough when i played the FA Cup freerolls, which i beleive the semi's are on friday?? Good luck all trying to get raked hands, be carefull

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Re: Dream Poker Raked Hands Version 1 Raked hands definition from the site "* A raked hand is defined as any hand in which the player has made a contribution to the pot and the hand is raked" Version 2 A hand is considered a raked hand when a player is delt cards a hand and the pot is raked a minimum 25c there seems to be a couple of definitions for this i think the second is correct although morls thinks it might be 50c im trying to work it out as i play not sure about contributing either having deceided the $1/$2 tables are not for me with my massive $30 bankroll im gona sit with the maniacs, and do a damage limitation exercise until i get my 25 hands EDIT mission accomplished im not saying how much it cost but i got $10 for signing up and i have enough left for a large Donner crutches.gif

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Re: Dream Poker Raked Hands Some sites (SO in particular - god bess 'em) use a raked hand count based on any hand where you CONTRIBUTE money to the pot counting - it doesn't matter how much the rake is. Thus, for the 50-up freerolls I've been playing two 0.25/0.50 LIMIT hold'em hands (5 person tables for speed and turkish currency for cheapness) at once and accumulate 50 points in about half an hour. I play exceeding sensibly and try to avoid those tables where there is a lot of wild raising going on and generally make at least a couple of dollars whilst gathering the 50 raked points. Other sites (betfair is an example) use MPPs and use the rule that in order to get a whole (1) MPP you just have to be sitting at the table and receive cards and the pot needs to be raked 1 unit (which means the pot has to reach $20). If the pot reaches $5 or more (and less than $20 then you get 0.25 of a MPP). IMHO the quickest way to safely accumulate MPPs on sites such as this is to play on the $2/$4 LIMIT holdem tables (the 10 person ones) and again play exceeding sensibly - basically at this level a fair proportion of the pots reach $20 and earn you 1 MPP and you can expect to make about 7 MPPs every 10 or so hands. Of course if you hit a streak of good hands that get bad beaten you can lose a fair bit of money playing $2/$4 . Its generally gonna cost you about $12 to get to show down! 2+2+4+4) so if there are bad beats abounding then you can lose quite a bit. Other sites can be even nastier on raked hands requiring that you see the flop and the rake is more than $0.25 or even just counting your actual personal contribution to the rake (i.e the wild guys pay more rake and make more rake points).

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