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Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair


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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair

Oh' date=' if someone tell me the password, i can tell him the greek freeroll password.....:rollin :ok[/quote'] Send me £1.50 and its a deal*. :ok We DO NOT give out passwords AT ALL - even established members have accepted this voluntary code of conduct and abide by this. Oh, and :welcome to The PuntersLounge. :D *You also get a copy of Poker Player magazine.
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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair

I'm italian so i don't know where to buy a copy of Poker Player magazine..so i propose an exchange: the freeroll greek password in change of yours...:ok
I'm English and do know where to buy a copy of Poker Player - and also have no interest in playing in a freeroll where I have no place in being. We have a member called Norfolk Enchance. I'd say that sums up the possibilty of you and Liverani getting the password off this forum. Have a nice day.:D Oh, and stop asking or I'll feed you to Slapdash.
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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair

In all serious chaps is Poker Player worth the nominal £1.50? I love my poker but isn't this mag just going to be re-hashing the same articles week after week?
£0.63 per issue if you subscribe....... IMO, yes it's well worth 63p :ok Even if you only pick up one little thing, or reinforce one little idea, I'm sure it'll have payback........
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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair

In all serious chaps is Poker Player worth the nominal £1.50? I love my poker but isn't this mag just going to be re-hashing the same articles week after week?
I've had the opportunity to read Poker Europa AND CardPlayer Europe and both are very good reads. PokerPlayer can be a bit lightweight, and you do get a cross-over of articles from I.E., but apart from that its worth the money, imo.
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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair Have to agree with Mr V... I like Poker Player mag, as I feel its a useful read, pitched with a little humour so that is doesnt take itself too seriously...Worth it for the the competitions that they run on a regular basis too, especially as the cost is neglible... As far as I am concerned, the more poker reading material the better. hence I also subscribe to the WPT magazine, and pick up Poker Europa and Cardplayer when I visit Casono's....

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