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Sporting Odds Champions League - April


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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League - April

Damn out :cry:cry as mr v and uber put it earlier harrington has a lot to answer for GaF what does he say when you are in the brown zone??
Reading all that stuff just confuses, go with your gut, unless you've got too many beers in it:puke
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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League - April Yes well done icky on the victory. There's me slow playing with 21 left and end up 5th after hitting a lucky flush when all-in against GaF. lol DAN DAN, yes where's the table ;)

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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League - April yes good evening one and all, i might be a bit distracted tonight as i am also in the london invitational at 9pm only 51 in it and top 5 win the trip to london to play for 5k. so heres hoping:hope

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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League - April Viggosen BB $100 me SB $50 and JJ so quite an honest raise 300 only to be re-raised $700 only had 1000 left so had to go all in expecting him to have a high pair too :hope A7 ffs and he got the A paired If I was a vindictive person I would put a bounty on him (for charity of course) GL all off to see betfred :wall:wall:wall

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Re: Sporting Odds Champions League - April

All in with JJ' date=' McGoatski goes all in too. I'm out of here I say to Ed, he'll have KK. :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall Hate being right all the time!!!![/quote'] Hey Dan with both go out with Jack's time to hit the daniels :cheers :cheers
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