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Poker Signupbonuses?


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Re: Poker Signupbonuses? Paul just (totally understandably) deleted a link I posted to a friend of mines site - hadn't crossed my mind at all when posting that it'd potentially take income away from PL if someone used links found there instead of the PL ones, so apologies for that! To that end can I suggest you do what I do - if you do stumble onto a site you want to play on when googling, or on some other poker directory, or whatever - come back to PL and check if there's a link to the site here. PL's by a mile the best forum I'm a member of, so well worth the tiny effort involved in a few extra clicks to support it.

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Re: Poker Signupbonuses?

We seem to have 2 poker news threads' date=' [/quote'] The old one is being phased out (though it's taking a while!! :$) I intend to add a post soon in the "all new Poker News" with all of the PL banners - there seems a great willingness from members to use these links - we need to make it easier for you!! :ok Don't forget the links that appear in the text automatically as well - these go to the same place as the banner links.
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