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Punters Lounge Affilates


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As i understand it...if we download a site, using the PL link, then PL receives a cut ...(dont know or need to know the details) If we have already downloaded the software without using the PL links, could we all in theory uninstall it, and then use the links to help PL? Would this work, and would PL benefit from people like myself doing this?

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Re: Punters Lounge Affilates

(dont know or need to know the details)
The information is usually freely available on the poker web sites :ok I believe the affiliate scheme usually works with who you first sign up/register with ........ so my gut reaction is no it's not easy to switch to a PL affiliate........ It may be that if you move house or something and set up a new alias then it will work - however I would guess that it isn't really worth the effort on your part ....... I would say try and help PL by using PL links when you can from new registrations.......but if you're already registered elsewhere, not to worry about it too much (though someone may know different?) If I'm honest, most of my Poker Rooms were probably not downloaded through PL links (though now any new ones obviously are......) Cheers for giving this some thought. :ok Only other thing I would say - if people discover a great tourney at a site that doesn't already have an affiliate link - is good if you can PM me details first (if there is time) so that I can set the affiliate link up before people start signing up...........
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Re: Punters Lounge Affilates

No Probs Gaf' date=' If anyone knows any different, and it helps PL then i think most would have no objections in doing it[/quote'] There will be a new event in April - similar to SO (but not SO) - just one difference - it will be PL exclusive (NO HUNGARIANS!!) and to "see" the rooms you will have to redownload your software from the PL link if you didn't originally download from the PL link........but full details will be up in due course........
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