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Fill In The Blanks


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Re: Fill In The Blanks Definitely a horrible call, but some players do defend their blind with almost anything - I don't see much merit in that personally in a MTT where you're going to get moved anyway, but some people like it because you get walk throughs later when the blinds are huge. I can even see him calling you on the flop being reasonable with top pair on a rag flop. But the really, truly horrible play is the initial bet of 20. If he's flopped top pair he really has to put in a bet to try and find out if his hand's good or not. I'd probably put about 200 in but anything over 120 would be reasonable (less makes it worth your while to draw to overcards) He also should have bet the turn, with all the information saying that you're not on a flush draw combined with the low statistical likelihood of you having that hand, he should be working on the basis that he's ahead until you tell him otherwise. Unless he was planning to check-raise, but that's doubtful since he didn't bet the river which was a blank, and his hands very marginal for a check raise anyway. So I don't think it was bad play on your part, I'd probably have bet the turn too instead of being worried about the very unlikely flush heads up, but I can see why you checked it, and turns out you'd gone behind anyway. You were unlucky, not so much to run into the hand but to run into a board with enough scare cards that you couldn't confidently bet him out of the hand. And you couldn't really get any read on him because he had no idea what he was doing himself! Edit: And mick, agree totally with that theory but not sure the river principle applies here - think this particular player would have called with all sorts of hands aces were beating in that situation.

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