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Signing off


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Well, I guess opinions aren't allowed here unless they agree with the powers that be. And neither is skillful poker good poker any more. I take great pride in doing what I do to the best of my ability. And I take great pride in knowing the rules of any sports/games I get involved in. I have been a qualified coach in 2 sports and referee/umpire in 3. I have been in the computer business for over 20 years, and having been a programmer for a fair few of them, I know that an application is only as good as the programming and may not necesarily be correct. I gave my opinion in an opinion poll yesterday to which someone had the cheek to question. Many of you here play only online poker. Online poker is an application... only as good as the programming and doesn't always adhere to the rules of the game. Unfortunately, most of you here don't understand that as online poker if all you know. That's fine, but as the saying goes, don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs. I know the rules of poker... I make sure I know the rules of the game I am playing, and I don't need morons like you to tell me different. I'm not always right, but I know when I am! Well, worry no more as I am leaving you to your world. You will not be hearing from me again. I would very much like to say that you won't be seeing me again either, but unfortunately I may still end up on the same table as some of you. To a couple of you I say good luck. To the rest of you I say good riddence, and may you rot in hell. If I'm not banned from here, I may occasionally take a peek at the posts and laugh at your lack of knowledge. And don't bother adding to this thread because it will be falling on deaf ears.

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Re: Signing off Well after watching the thread yesterday and seeing you be quite abusive to a lady, im glad to see the back of you. It didnt matter if you were right or wrong, it was the manner in which you went about abusing people who dared to have an opinion.. bye bye

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Re: Signing off

Well after watching the thread yesterday and seeing you be quite abusive to a lady, im glad to see the back of you. It didnt matter if you were right or wrong, it was the manner in which you went about abusing people who dared to have an opinion.. bye bye
To be fair to the lad he has played real live poker.
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Re: Signing off Pro - Opinions - and differing opinions ARE welcome here. The problem wasn't your opinions, it was the way you expressed them. This was not solely because of your replies yesterday - we've been "watching" you for a while - you seem intent on belittling people who dare to express an opinion that differs to yours - you are the one who won't accept others opinions, not us, or alternate styles of play - the "scoreboard" is the cash balance - but you don't seem prepared to accept that.......cos it's all fixed against you and the muppets are always lucky.....

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Re: Signing off Abuse is not to be tolerated on any forum on Punters Lounge- certain posts on some threads contain what I see IMO as "shouting" and "abusive".

And they are not my arguements' date=' they're my opinions.[/quote'] They are not opinions when you are trying to force them down peoples' throats with abusive toned posts. I am glad that I am not the only person that is fed up with the rants and whines on this thread and many others, we are members on PL for a number of reasons : * To be part of a friendly/helpful community. * To give and take advice. * To learn from my mistakes and others. * To join in forum events. * To have a laugh and a joke with friends. * To win some money (I hope). * To give back to PL a little of what we have gained from being a member here.
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Re: Signing off

No no no, you don't understand. The problem is all ours:lol
Exactly Paul, after that calm and measured post by the Pro, we should all be taking a good hard look at ourselves and asking how we were ever stupid enough not to recongise his massive intelect, and think about what fools we are to lose him. Please come back Pro, we're sorry.
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Re: Signing off

Exactly Paul, after that calm and measured post by the Pro, we should all be taking a good hard look at ourselves and asking how we were ever stupid enough not to recongise his massive intelect, and think about what fools we are to lose him. Please come back Pro, we're sorry.
Exactly. How could we ever want to lose someone who has played poker, in real life, for money no less! We need him, please stay mate your opinions are needed desperately.
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Re: Signing off thepro6ht.jpg Oh, and if I need to be big-headed, whinging, insulting, self important, ignorant, arrogant, ungracious, xenophobic, insulting to avoid being a moron, then I'm a moron. Oh and please come to Stanleys in Stoke so that I can laugh as you leave THERE too.

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Re: Signing off Good luck in your self imposed ban "thePro" (cutting off your nose and all that) I always thought it funny you being in an internet forum, playing on internet sites yet slagging off internet players. Embrace the new paradigm, life moves on go with it or die

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Re: Signing off I can't make that hairy :moon go away now... it is stuck...even when I close my eyes... THANKS A BUNCH FRISKY!!!!!!!!!! :loon By the way... After Pro's insults of my race... "All Scandinavians are crap poker players" I hope he finds some better players to play... in real life... with real cards and all... ...so we wont have to let him suffer our bad beats all the time.... Poor poor poor guy...

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Re: Signing off Whats pro needs is a "humble opinion" - one that is willing to admit to there being two sides to many an argument - neither of which in necessarily right or necessarily wrong and even when right is almost certainly not worth getting too emotional about when challenged, Hey pro - your not my ex-missus by any chance are you :rollin ? She was always right as well (even when wrong). If you can't get along with the enourmously pleasant bunch on here then you have some problems. And by the way frisky you should get some ointment for that :moon . Probably from a vet :rollin .

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