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PL Poker night live - Birmingham, 25/03/06: Confirm here


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Re: PL Poker night live - Birmingham, 25/03/06: Confirm here

Hi All Hangover from hell this morning only to be worsened when the housekeeping opened my door to find my big fat geordie arse on display in full to her obvious horror! haha Morls
Even worse.....i had the call after the little visit i had haha
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Re: PL Poker night live - Birmingham, 25/03/06: Confirm here Just want to say thanks to everyone for turning up and making it a success.:clap I had a great night, even though I just played stupid poker. Drink and poker don't mix for me I get far too impatient. I was very surprised that everyone bar Jeffers and Kev declined to carry on drinking after we left the casino, although the bar we went to closed about 5 hours earlier than it usually does. We still got an extra hour in though:) Not surprised you got asked about the gaybar, the street the casino is on is the main gay street in brum, just walk with your back to the wall:lol Well played to everyone who had any success at the table, I hope it's not too long before we can do it again.

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Re: PL Poker night live - Birmingham, 25/03/06: Confirm here It was a great night absolutely :ok due in no small part to being in great company :clap I won the final STT so was well chuffed. Funny as hell to see KOTP staggering around our table with a hand full of money slurring "I won a monkey" :nana :nana :nana and just as funny was when I noshed the dealers toasted sarnie late on, I had no idea the waitress had bought it across for him so i thought it was a freebie. :lol He wasnt impressed in the slightest.:tongue2 great stuff and cant wait for the next one.:ok

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Re: PL Poker night live - Birmingham, 25/03/06: Confirm here

lucky mo turned up cos i was at the wrong hotel bar for 2 hrs as everyone else was downstairs....after no reply from uber!!!
sorry guys it was a bad idea to meet underground still didnt get any messages tho think my phones playin up:wall :wall :wall
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Re: PL Poker night live - Birmingham, 25/03/06: Confirm here I am STILL fooked!!! Absolutely battered. I MUST say thank you to 2Damn for driving and putting up with me getting us lost without cursing, and to Blade for letting me sit in the front. It was really great meeting you both, and next time we'll all have to stay over so that we can see you let your hair down. Hope you feel better, Blade.:ok It was a superb night, and I really enjoyed seeing the new faces such as Mo (The Quiet Man mkII), Ubermonkey, who seemed to be suffering from prolonged exposure to the poker ladies, Morlspin (sorry mate, but I couldn't see the likeness myself.............;)), ChelskiRed (the only gay in the village? :lol), Ros(s)co the Huddersfield fan :wall (I thought people from Wakefield supported Man Utd or were egg chasers) Danny Cash, who was determined to make a mockery of the book Jeffers was running, Danno (Phil Oakley;)), isn't he more cheerful IRL?, and the blond bombshell Pene, who really could have made more of an effort to enjoy herself. She was really quiet and nervous about meeting us all. Special mention too for 'Mrs PaulM' - It was really good meeting the power behind the throne, although I had to laugh when she was taking the mickey out of PaulM and Slapdash's choice to remain in academia. "So, what do you do, Sam?" I asked. "I'm a teacher":rollin Really nice lady.:ok When the MTT started, £5 buy in, plus a £1 72o sweepstake (who won that btw - and where is the photo/screenshot proof?), one of the first hands on our table was nice - trip Kings or summat like that, which set PR off on one cos we all said 'nice hand'; "Oh ffs! Lets cut all this 'nice hand' bollocks out shall we? It really gets on my tits........" :lol Really pleased that Danno managed to go out on a bad beat. :lol :lol :lol

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Re: PL Poker night live - Birmingham, 25/03/06: Confirm here

' date='and the blond bombshell [b']Pene, who really could have made more of an effort to enjoy herself. She was really quiet and nervous about meeting us all.
Yeah, I know Mister V. I struggle alot with that problem... :eyes Have a really hard time meeting new people... :$ am so shy.... Maybe I will be able to open up a bit more the next time... :hope :moon :nana :loon :moon :nana :loon :moon :nana :loon :moon :nana :loon :moon :nana :loon :moon :nana :loon :moon :nana :loon
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Re: PL Poker night live - Birmingham, 25/03/06: Confirm here Was a good night and enjoyed meeting all of you :) Highlights of the night included Mr.V winding the car window down to ask a guy where the circus casino was, only for the guy to then point across the road with a bemused look on his face as he probably wondered how the hell we couldn't see it from where we were :$ and then just before we left, Jeffers had got the barman all ends up as the guy was in a totally bad mood after been told he had to work an extra hour (to keep Jeffers and Kotp stocked up with Moet & Chandon no doubt) and jeffers just wouldn't leave him alone about it:rollin Hand of the night goes to Jeffers playing a hand blind, can't remember who it was against but he said he'd go all in next hand without looking and would anybody call it. Cards got dealt and sure enough Jeffers goes all-in without looking and gets one caller, turns the cards over and he's only gone and got JJ and they hold up :eek :lol All-in all a great night. Have been laid up pretty badly since though (actually started on the night :( ) so if any of you have a rotten stinking flu virus then it's my fault I'm afraid :puke

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Re: PL Poker night live - Birmingham, 25/03/06: Confirm here

Was a good night and enjoyed meeting all of you :) Highlights of the night included Mr.V winding the car window down to ask a guy where the circus casino was, only for the guy to then point across the road with a bemused look on his face as he probably wondered how the hell we couldn't see it from where we were :$
:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin I was hoping you wouldn't mention that..... :$
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Re: PL Poker night live - Birmingham, 25/03/06: Confirm here

lucky mo turned up cos i was at the wrong hotel bar for 2 hrs as everyone else was downstairs....after no reply from uber!!!
just recieved your text morls ,it would have been quicker to send it by pidgeon:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol by the way mr v ,kotp won the 72 off sidebet on the 1st hand with a nice 4xbb raise pre flop .a great start to a great nite:ok
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Re: PL Poker night live - Birmingham, 25/03/06: Confirm here

just recieved your text morls ,it would have been quicker to send it by pidgeon:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol by the way mr v ,kotp won the 72 off sidebet on the 1st hand with a nice 4xbb raise pre flop .a great start to a great nite:ok
and with his winnings he decided to get so hammered, he kept staggering into fruit machines head 1st haha
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Re: PL Poker night live - Birmingham, 25/03/06: Confirm here Great evening, thanks to everyone that turned up and nice meeting all the new faces :ok Got to the final table but was just happy that PR or Danny Cash didn't win as I took bets on them to big liabilities :rollin Left Kevsul asleep at the breakfast table on the Sunday morning about 7am as we hadn't been to bed yet, then went to watch the football in a random pub in Birm somewhere :lol Looking forward to the next one, we should make it a regular thing :ok

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Re: PL Poker night live - Birmingham, 25/03/06: Confirm here Left Kevsul asleep at the breakfast table on the Sunday morning about 7am as we hadn't been to bed yet, then went to watch the football in a random pub in Birm somewhere :lol So you did mate:$ :ok Top night it certainly was.. Sorry to chelskired, my pocket ladies taking him out, he hit top 2 pair on the flop K & Q and went all-in. bye bye. also he was the first one out.. I was the one that called the GREAT Jeffers on the blind for 1500 no less:loon . I only had Q-4os . but great fun and enjoyed meeting the new faces.. Oh lads, when playing against Pene look at your cards and not her Chest (Jeffers),;) O.K Me as well:loon ...and a few more wont mention names.!! I went off to some club with paul and jeffers, then i remember jeffers getting us a couple of drinks back at the hotel in the morning.. We was also trying to convince 2 fellas to join the punterslounge.. 1 kept saying "Whats in it for you" we kept telling nothing, would not believe us.. So breakfast it was for me and the "GREAT JEFFERS" where do you put all that beer mate!!! and then eat your breakfast and also finish off mine..:loon I do remember you pushing my head and saying you alright before you left me:lol I got on the bus a short time after. only to fall asleep on it and go past my stop not once but twice:wall :wall Finally into bed at 10.30 sunday morning and did not get out of it till 10.45am today.. HELP me i am still recovering:$ .. No managers here at work so i can take it a little easy.. Most students gone home,,:ok Great time had by all.. Kev:ok Oh BTW poker was good as well.. I finished 4th just

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Re: PL Poker night live - Birmingham, 25/03/06: Confirm here

I think Kevsul has damaged my ear drums with constant high pitched squeaking he comes out with! :lol Sorry Paul !!:loon I think i remember something of along the lines "Cant you talk any quietier" to which i replied "I WILL CERTAINLY TRY":$
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