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FullTiltPoker live tourney on tv now


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This tourney is on telly at the moment - channel 123. It has Devilfish, Phil Helmuth, Phil Ivey, Gus Hansen, 'Jesus' Ferguson, amongst others. Play looks pretty good. Just saw Phil Helmuth lay down a pair of 6's pre flop to Hansen's raise. And, boy, what a fold... Hansen was holding AA.

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Re: FullTiltPoker live tourney on tv now Wow - is Helmuth reading the game well or not!!! Just had pocket 10's. Didn't raise pre flop. Devilfish had Q2 on BB. Flop came Q83. Devilfish bet 40,000... and Helmuth folded another pocket pair.

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Re: FullTiltPoker live tourney on tv now Amazing! Gus Hansen played his typical crap game and called with 10c 6c agianst Phil Ivey's pocket 7's. Flop came 7h 10h Qc. 4th - Ac. River... UNBELIEVEABLE... 2c! Typical crap scandanavian poker! And that's why the scandanavians (not you Pene or PeeGee) play 100% luck and no skill.

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Re: FullTiltPoker live tourney on tv now Hmmmm - it's not live at all. They just played a hand almost before they'd finished the previous one. So why the hell does it say "Live from Monaco"???? Don't they understand what live means??? Oh well, never mind, still a good game to watch.

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Re: FullTiltPoker live tourney on tv now OHHHHHHHH its THAT one - the one a the same time as the Monte Carlo Millions tourney wanna know the result? Do ya?:tongue2 Damo

Hmmmm - it's not live at all. They just played a hand almost before they'd finished the previous one. So why the hell does it say "Live from Monaco"???? Don't they understand what live means??? Oh well' date=' never mind, still a good game to watch.[/quote']
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