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SO Chat Ban - Fair?


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Re: SO Chat Ban - Fair? Success! Chat ban was apparently placed by the Poker Response team (whoever the hell they are) and not SO. Have had the following e-mail sent by SO. Having had your Chat Ban on SportingOdds Poker Room bought to my attention by Punters Lounge I looked in to the situation and asked the Poker Response team to look in to the situation. It was noted in our system that you had been banned for 'advertising' but having reviewed your chat during the game they could only find you making references to Punters Lounge. I can only assume the person who placed the ban on you was not aware that this is a forum and not a competitor site. I can only apologise for what has happened to you and reinstate your chat function. I have credited your account with $20 as further means of apology. I withdraw most of my nasty comments about SO recently. :clap :clap :clap

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Re: SO Chat Ban - Fair?

Success! Chat ban was apparently placed by the Poker Response team (whoever the hell they are) and not SO. Have had the following e-mail sent by SO. Having had your Chat Ban on SportingOdds Poker Room bought to my attention by Punters Lounge I looked in to the situation and asked the Poker Response team to look in to the situation. It was noted in our system that you had been banned for 'advertising' but having reviewed your chat during the game they could only find you making references to Punters Lounge. I can only assume the person who placed the ban on you was not aware that this is a forum and not a competitor site. I can only apologise for what has happened to you and reinstate your chat function. I have credited your account with $20 as further means of apology. I withdraw most of my nasty comments about SO recently. :clap :clap :clap
Right, I have a cunning plan... every other sentence I write on SO will be advertising PL. Then, I want you all to tell them to ban my chat. $20, come to daddy! :D Well done Jaded. Just shows, never give in! If you're in the right, they'll come around eventually.
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Re: SO Chat Ban - Fair? Okay, they've now managed to get on my nerves AGAIN. Another e-mail: Dear Sir, Thank you for contacting Sporting Odds. I can confirm that our Poker Support team have investigated the matter in question and they have agreed to reopen your chat privelages. They have asked however if you could not use this facillity to advertise other Poker Sites. We thank you for your patience and understanding regarding this matter and on behalf of Sporting Odds, the very best of luck on your future wagering. Kind Regards Mark Clohessy Customer Care Team SportingOdds.com Very tempted to reply with something along these lines. Thank you for restoring my privelages, and presumably my priveleges as well. As requested, I will certainly refrain from mentioning a forum which has consistently praised Sporting Odds - I can quite see that you wouldn't want anyone to join it!! Or should I just take the money and shut up?! :rollin

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Re: SO Chat Ban - Fair?

Very tempted to reply with something along these lines. Thank you for restoring my privelages, and presumably my priveleges as well.
Or even your privileges. Sounds like there's a battle between the forces of good and evil going on in Sporting Odds Poker. I think we should step back and not do anything that might hurt the chances of the Forces of Good.
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Re: SO Chat Ban - Fair? what is this? Star Wars? Return of the Chat Ban The Chat Ban Strikes Back etc..... :rollin Damo :cheers

Sounds like there's a battle between the forces of good and evil going on in Sporting Odds Poker. I think we should step back and not do anything that might hurt the chances of the Forces of Good.
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Re: SO Chat Ban - Fair?

:unsure :unsure :unsure I KNEW it was wrong when I was typing it :rollin
Should have used a spell checker. Have you noticed that many poker rooms have absolutely awful spelling vin their emails! Jsut imigine if every1 started doin thinks like that, wat wud happen too the english langwige? ;)
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Re: SO Chat Ban - Fair? shokin apzolutelee shockin - musst bee cuz thea arr aamerikan ande karnt spel enkneethink withe a 'u' innit Damo :cheers

Should have used a spell checker. Have you noticed that many poker rooms have absolutely awful spelling vin their emails! Jsut imigine if wee started doin thinks like that, wat wud happen too the english langwige? ;)
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Re: SO Chat Ban - Fair?

Poker Response team (whoever the hell they are)
The support company behind all boss media companyes i think... Mermaid uses them as well, so think thats it... :clap:clap Great to have your ban removed.. But strange the last mail, you got about not advertising for other poker rooms, when they have stated its a forum.. :unsure
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