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Serious question

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I've posted one or two things but as I've said in the past I'm an old git who's not too sure about these computer forum things (I suspect I've posted in the wrong place or something like that). Is this only available via a computer or is there a phone link to let other people know? I live in rural North Yorkshire, 20 minutes from Middleham/Thirsk etc and whilst tips go round like flies round manure, I know various people who do know. Not many tips, 2 or 3 in a few months, I know that one of the rules of the site is not to mention things that have gone, but in the last 2 days, whilst in town (village if you live in that London) I've been given 2 crackers which I would have liked to share with you good people. Those coffee bars with computers stop at York. In case there is no answer, or solution, Sharp Rigging at Cheltenham (which ever race it's in) and Baron Windrush for Aintree. There is another for Prestbury Park, I'll try to find the right place to put it nearer the time.

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Re: Serious question :welcome Georgie, struggling to understand what you are trying to tell us but have deciphered that you have 2 tips: Sharp Rigging at Cheltenham - holds 5 entries for Cheltenham Baron Windrush for Aintree 40/1 ladbrokes we will need to keep a look out for these. you can post your tips on here anytime!

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Re: Serious question You have got me thinking now. I work in a bookies and from time to time we do get the odd tip and they have a habit of coming in. Being at work there is no way I can post, just have to nip across the road and stick the bet on. Maybe the punterslounge resources could stretch to buying a cheap phone that could be used for this purpose. It would have to be I think only for an actual tip someone has gotten hold of rather than just daily selections etc but maybe this isn't such a bad idea.

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