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Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 8


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Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 8 Im sorry to say, but PocketLady and Mr V are not going to play tonight :sad . Half of the town has been struck with a nuclear bomb and power is off. Hopefully they will fix it all tomorrow :hope. Speciall GL to Kes, says Mr V :ok. GL PLers :drums.

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Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 8 I'm out!!! My AA was raised, reraised and rereraised pre flop and I ended up all in with two opponents........QQ and A3o (A3o FFS????) A Q came and I was out - at least I didn't lose to the A3o!!!!!!!!

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Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 8 Yep. Me too. With ........................ AA had two callers so played it a little soft (Trying to build some chips so only put in a x3 raise) he hit a straight holding 8-9 !!??

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Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 8 I can't remember playing 1 hour 45 minutes of poker and getting so few playable cards. Then again I've been out earlier when I have had more playable cards. Must be a moral there somewhere. Good luck those still in.

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