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Sporting Odds MTT League - March


Sporting Odds MTT League - March  

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March

cheers Pene. I can understand people's point of view about spreading the bonus around some more, but for me I need to be investing my (very limited) poker time in earning some proper cash (aren't kids great? :D ). It wouldn't encourage me to play if 20 places got paid the bonus as the top 3 prizes would diminish rapidly - plus it will give everyone a chance to increase their BR with a nice bonus for winning the March league! The BR boost will hopefully allow people to step up a limit and start earning more (just like the $UP did for me ;)) This should be a lot easier than the $UP - better blind structure, more chips and less players, so folks will get a REAL good chance of winning and playing, and getting used to 'proper' tourny play rather than the usual crap shoot after the first break when the blinds are killing you and Q8s looks a monster to shove with :rollin Just my thoughts Damo :cheers ps - u not working today girlie? Or are u a poker pro? pps can't win a game to save my life today - so if you fancy a $20 STT let me know and you can have my cash LOL
LOL Damo, not a pro... yet ;) ... he he... I'm at work but I'm multitasking :nana :nana ....One of my many talents :lol :lol :lol :lol Work as a teacher, and not a lot to do all the time...
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March I realise that the game is is also about the bragging rights and the craic, but poker is mostly about MAKING MONEY, so lets concentrate on that first! :) No. Totally disagree as regards THIS tourney. This is about PuntersLounge poker players, of which we have a lot, all of differing abilities. The previous league (at various venues) was approx $10 per game, and I only felt confident paying for one game at the end. Even then I knew I was one of the poorer players there and could kiss my 10 bucks good bye. The fact is that the better players should be aiming for a top 5 monthly finish, whereas the the rest may be just happy to be sat at the same table. I can say this because thats how I felt in the last lge game I played. Norfolk Enchance is a very good player who plays at a higher level than I do, yet the PL league gave me an opportunity to sit with him, watch and learn. IF we ever found another 'dolar up' of similar value then I'd be happy to use that again, but we were on to a good thing while it lasted, and made the most of it I think. I understand that the returns for the time invested may be small, but I have to say that ANY PL (exclusive?) league is about bragging rights first, and money second. I'm quite sure you could play another table at the same time as the PL league, Damo.:ok

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Guest gazza271

Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March Well said Mr V I am one of the weaker players on here and it's great to sit with some of the players that play far above my level

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March I will second (or third) the above 2 posts. Taking part in the Punters Lounge Monthly MTT was never about the money for me, it was about getting together and playing with my fellow PL'ers for the experience,laugh and to do my best to get as far as I can against players of better ability. These tourneys have been an excellent experience and the fact that there were always a PLer or 2 or 3 etc on the table stopped me from making muppet plays (most of the time) and watching their play has improved my game no end.

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March I agree with the last few posts. I've played in the Dollar Up, PL League, etc. when I could (which unfortunately hasn't been that often for the last few weeks) because it's more fun than a lot of other poker. It's nice to win a little money, but when I've played, I'd have done so even if there had been no prizes. However, I don't think this necessarily conflicts with Damo's point about the distribution of prize money. The better players here have a skill that they can earn money with, and I'm sure none of us begrudge them that. And most of us have a limited amount of time to spend playing poker. One of the benefits that a lot of us get from this kind of competition is the chance to play against better opposition for a small outlay than we'd meet in the average $0.10/$0.20 game, freeroll, or $5 buy-in STT. It's good for us if the better players take part, and I think we have to recognize that they're doing us a favour if they spend time doing so when they could probably be making more money in a bigger game. I'm not saying that we should act as though we're pathetically grateful, but I don't think there's any harm in making sure that they have a chance of winning something worthwhile. I'm not trying to make out that the better players are mercenary and wouldn't want to play if they could only win a few dollars, but it doesn't hurt to offer an incentive.

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March I would hate to think that the 'lesser' players don't think they can beat the 'better' players and that the 'lessers' should be grateful that their 'betters' took some time out to play with them - everyone has the skill to improve their game and no one should feel imitimated or belitttled by a 'better' player - if I came across like that in my previous post I unreservedly apologise. Anyway what constitutes a better player? just because someone plays on a higher limit than someone else does not make them better, it means they have the bankroll to do so - that BR might be funded not by poker but by disposable income. Its taken me two years to build my BR by playing poker, a long hard slog but worth it as I see people making the mistakes I did 2 years ago and smiling LOL. I will say that I never had so much fun playing and talking about poker before I found PL at the end of Dec 05 - I love the chat and support and general nonsense ;) but I will stick by original statement that at the end of the day money comes first for me (I will gladly take all your chips thanks! despite you being a fellow PL'er :D ) I do consider myself fortunate that I have hooked up with a fantastic set of people with whom I can share my passion, the laughs are a massive bonus to me, as is the banter and differing opinions about poker/hands/ways to play etc. If the prize pool is to be further divided up then I do suggest that everyone who takes part gets an equal share, to dilute it to the top 20 as has been suggested, makes it nearly that anyway - I would prefer it to stick at the top 6 and give us allsomething to aim for. Anyhoo, will see you at the game later :) Damo :cheers

I However, I don't think this necessarily conflicts with Damo's point about the distribution of prize money. The better players here have a skill that they can earn money with, and I'm sure none of us begrudge them that. . It's good for us if the better players take part, and I think we have to recognize that they're doing us a favour if they spend time doing so when they could probably be making more money in a bigger game. I'm not saying that we should act as though we're pathetically grateful, but I .
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March

I would hate to think that the 'lesser' players don't think they can beat the 'better' players and that the 'lessers' should be grateful that their 'betters' took some time out to play with them - everyone has the skill to improve their game and no one should feel imitimated or belitttled by a 'better' player - if I came across like that in my previous post I unreservedly apologise.
No need for an apology, cos you didn't really.:ok
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March Well, here's my tuppence worth although I'm sure no-one's remotely interested! :lol The DU tourney was an extremely enjoyable way for us to find our Monthly Champion - the added $500 which turned it into a great value tourney was a bonus. I have to stress though that for me this is all about getting that avatar off Mr V - nothing else, although I quite like the wooden spoon one as well. :ok It has to be remembered that this is basically a light-hearted forum (most of the time) and I feel that any tourney should be along the same lines - having decent prize money is possibly going to create some bad feeling and should be the last thing that anyone wants. I will be taking part although I personally grudge giving Sporting Odds $1 as I don't enjoy some of the aspects of playing there - having said that, it's a fantastic gesture for them to put up money for a bunch of sharks that have been bleeding them dry for 6 months. :loon I'd actually like to see no entry fee and no prizes - it has to be remembered that there are members paying entry fees into this that probably never pay to get into anywhere else just because of the spirit of the forum. Lets keep it that way!! :dude

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March

Time has Changed: Challenge at 21.00 PM :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap See ya guys and gals:nana
woooooooooohooooooooooo - if it's 9pm, then I'll reg and when I'm back from my meeting I will play. :cheers
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March Is that site for real? I try to put monet in...No good, they want proof I'm over 18. Drivers Licence or Passport Number. No problem. So I e-mail Passport number. (Clearly marked PASSPORT NUMBER) Get e-mail back; Sorry the drivers licence number you gave us is wrong! No Problem. So I e-mail DRIVERS LICENCE number. Get e-mail back; All OK Account now active. Get home; Wont let me log in. Sent e-mail. Get e-mail back; We still need to get your Driver licence number! Twats :wall :wall

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March

Is that site for real? I try to put monet in...No good, they want proof I'm over 18. Drivers Licence or Passport Number. No problem. So I e-mail Passport number. (Clearly marked PASSPORT NUMBER) Get e-mail back; Sorry the drivers licence number you gave us is wrong! No Problem. So I e-mail DRIVERS LICENCE number. Get e-mail back; All OK Account now active. Get home; Wont let me log in. Sent e-mail. Get e-mail back; We still need to get your Driver licence number! Twats :wall :wall
jees thats harsh m8, it didnt ask me for anything like that
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