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Sporting Odds MTT League - March


Sporting Odds MTT League - March  

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March Hey Gaf, will this be for PL's only or can anyone enter?? And what about prizes at each tourney? Will it be the players 1 dollar we are playing for? Just to clear it up for me :D Looking forward to it :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March Pene - game for game, we are playing just for the $1. It looks like anyone will be able to enter - however the standard will be higher than normal for a $1 buy in, and noone else willhave the value added that we do, so no idea why anyone else would bother.......

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March

Looks great. Just one question. The only tourney, that looks like ours is one at 19.00, as its $1 + $0.10. Is that the one? :unsure
Shouldn't be ...... but I'll check with Joe....... Ours is probably just not in the lobby yet.......
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March GaF - I'll try make a couple of them (neither Mondays nor Wednesdays are particularly good for me), which will probably count me out of the top (I was sure to get one of the money spots :dude ) with not enough games played. Not sure that the lack of money will deter the Hungarians from playing. I mean, when you watch how they time out every hand just to get 50 cents, they will probably be thinking that no one else will be playing either, and so easy money for them. Little do they know! :D

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March

is it $1 per game? or $1 for the whole league?
It's $1 + 10c per game ..... so if you play every game, it will be $9.90. The start time seems to be causing problems for quite a few people ..... it was my choice :$ ..... I found with the Dollar Up that it seemed to end too late for a lot of people - and as I requested deeper stacks and slower blinds, was worried about it going on all night ..... however with fewer entries, it will probably be quicker ......... so I'll ask SO if we can change it to a 9pm start for tomorrow - the same time as the Dollar Up...... not sure if it's too late ..... so be prepared for it to be either 19:30 or 21:00 GM tomorrow ....... I'll also ask whether registration can be opened as soon as the event is in the lobby - instead of 2 hours before - this should make it easier for people expecting to arrive a few minutes after the start.....
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Guest gazza271

Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March 9pm is easier for me,will be able to make the ones where i am day shift, just pleased to have it on the go,cheers to SO and all at PL for organising it

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March Excellent GaF - and thanks to Sporting for setting this up and supporting us. Damo :cheers

How do I enter? If you are going to play at all during the month, then just "vote" yourself in in the poll in this thread. You may join at any point through the month, though obviously are slightly disadvantaged if you have missed some games (though still have every chance with only best 4 scores counting). If you have not voted yourself in in this poll, then you are not eligible for the prize money.
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March Thanks GaF?, I`ve just voted myself in:ok I`ve noticed it`s now 7.30 or 9pm. Purely from a personal point of view, I know I`d make most, if not all should they start at 9pm. I doubt if I`d make 50% of the 7.30 starts as it`s a bit too early.

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March Brilliant count me in just a note on the payout structure, could it not be made so that the top 10/15/20 get paid i know this will reduce the top prizes a little and would mean small payouts for those lower finishes but would ensure some of us less proficient players have an interest and maybe keep the fields up towards the end of the series when only a few of he regulars will be in contention of the top 6 places eg 200, 100,50,30,25,15,15,10,10,10,5,5,5,5,5 yeah i know this doesnt add up to $500 but you get the drift

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March This is all good input I think, but we are lucky that Sporting odds shared the news about then end of the dollar up AND have given us a $500 prize fund to help soften the blow. Now Boss Media have a $1 Texas Hold em that starts at 7pm (same time as the safety net, so perhaps future games could start at, say 8pm, and even if you won't be there at the start the 'deep stacks' and slower increment in blinds, combined with fewer players would mean that it may be worth registering if you'll be able to join us a little later - such as 2damnhype, Big Andy, PaulM03. The distribution of the added prize is a tough one to get right I think, pistonbroke. The format isn't written in stone, and I'm sure Gaf agrees that we want to do whats best to maintain interest throughout the month. I think in a participation of say 60 players over a month that 10 places is enough myself. But although Gaf? has been putting a lot of time in trying to organise a PL exclusive league, this March tourney has been arranged at VERY short notice, and Gaf? and JoeLegge at Sporting odds have done extremelywell.

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March

Just my point of view on the prizeissue... Maximum 10 prizes! Don't think we will maintain interest throughout 9 tournaments if one can only win small prizes. All in all I think that the original idea is good :ok
I agree. There will be (small) prize money for the individual tournaments as well, after all. So even if people are not in contention for an overall prize at the end of the month, they'll still have some financial interest in playing, and I'm not sure that the additional possibility of winning an extra £5 or so on top of that would make much difference. Also somebody will have to distribute the prizes somehow (or are SO just going to add it to players' accounts?), and I wouldn't anybody to have to spend a lot of time sorting out a load of tiny prizes.
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March

I agree. There will be (small) prize money for the individual tournaments as well, after all. So even if people are not in contention for an overall prize at the end of the month, they'll still have some financial interest in playing, and I'm not sure that the additional possibility of winning an extra £5 or so on top of that would make much difference. Also somebody will have to distribute the prizes somehow (or are SO just going to add it to players' accounts?), and I wouldn't anybody to have to spend a lot of time sorting out a load of tiny prizes.
Guess that somebody will be Gaf, the number 1 guy :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March hmmm, seems my post from earlier has disappeared:unsure :( :unsure - most odd:tongue2 (lets rephrase it and try again:ok) I don't think that splitting the prize pool down any further that the first 6 is a great idea because you are not encouraging people to play for anything. Its a $1 SportingOdds only buyin, the $Up got around 150 entrants, purely on the added value - this tourney will likely see about 60 entrants (or prolly much less - look at the champions league!) of which 30 will be PL'ers - which means top prize is $15. It wouldn't surprise me if it had 30 Pl'ers and only half a dozen more. So who wants to play for 3 hours for $15 unless you know that at the end of the month you are in with a shout for $200 more? This is where the added value of playing this tourney is for me. If you water the prizes down so everyone gets a share then its pointless and you might as well just give every one who has signed up already $10 now and be done with it. I realise that the game is is also about the bragging rights and the craic, but poker is mostly about MAKING MONEY, so lets concentrate on that first! :) Just my thoughts Damo :cheers

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March

hmmm, seems my post from earlier has disappeared:unsure :( :unsure - most odd:tongue2 (lets rephrase it and try again:ok) I don't think that splitting the prize pool down any further that the first 6 is a great idea because you are not encouraging people to play for anything. Its a $1 SportingOdds only buyin, the $Up got around 150 entrants, purely on the added value - this tourney will likely see about 60 entrants (or prolly much less - look at the champions league!) of which 30 will be PL'ers - which means top prize is $15. It wouldn't surprise me if it had 30 Pl'ers and only half a dozen more. So who wants to play for 3 hours for $15 unless you know that at the end of the month you are in with a shout for $200 more? This is where the added value of playing this tourney is for me. If you water the prizes down so everyone gets a share then its pointless and you might as well just give every one who has signed up already $10 now and be done with it. I realise that the game is is also about the bragging rights and the craic, but poker is mostly about MAKING MONEY, so lets concentrate on that first! :) Just my thoughts Damo :cheers
Very well said, Damo. Totally agree...:ok
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March cheers Pene. I can understand people's point of view about spreading the bonus around some more, but for me I need to be investing my (very limited) poker time in earning some proper cash (aren't kids great? :D ). It wouldn't encourage me to play if 20 places got paid the bonus as the top 3 prizes would diminish rapidly - plus it will give everyone a chance to increase their BR with a nice bonus for winning the March league! The BR boost will hopefully allow people to step up a limit and start earning more (just like the $UP did for me ;)) This should be a lot easier than the $UP - better blind structure, more chips and less players, so folks will get a REAL good chance of winning and playing, and getting used to 'proper' tourny play rather than the usual crap shoot after the first break when the blinds are killing you and Q8s looks a monster to shove with :rollin Just my thoughts Damo :cheers ps - u not working today girlie? Or are u a poker pro? pps can't win a game to save my life today - so if you fancy a $20 STT let me know and you can have my cash LOL

Very well said' date=' Damo. Totally agree...:ok[/quote']
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